Thursday, March 24, 2005

Fondest Greetings To You All

Why so silent, good messieurs? Did you think that I had left you for good? Have you missed me, good messieurs? I have written you a new blog!

And just when you thought you were safe, the younger, more feminine version of O.G. strikes again! Here I am, back from Ranting for Wiccan Rights and my old hiatus, and I promise to be three times as sardonic, annoying, Erik-like, and generally mad.

Did any of this make sense to you? Well then, you're probably either Luke, Kizzy, Tessa, liberalkid, the ghost host, or a phan. What, you ask, is a phan? A phan is a fan, only with a ph. Obviously. But beyond this, a phan is also a fan of Phantom. Specifically, Phantom of the Opera. I am a phan. In other words, I am obsessed with PotO. Insult Phantom, and I growl. Bad mouth Micheal Crawford, and I pounce. Spell Erik with a C, and I explode. (Who is Erik? Erik is the Phantom's real name.) So really, it's best just to deal with me gently and not insult Micheal Crawford, or mention Micheal Crawford's role as Cornelius Hackel in the Hello, Dolly! movie.

Now that we've gotten that over with. Who am I? See, with me, that's a complicated question. Basically, I'm Kat Beat, a thirteen year old with a PotO fixation, a sardonic mind, and a love of books and theatre. But really, I have two split personalites. Before you back away, allow me to introduce them.

This is Erika. Any guesses as to who she's named after? She is the most gothic of the Kats. Very sullen, very cynical. Quite funny, if you don't mind being constantly insulted.

And the one bouncing off the walls would be Ely. Pronounce it Ellie, not Eli. She is the hyper, joyous Kat. Very sweet. Very gullible. Makes a great gift. Or at least would, if she wasn't so highly annoying.

Now, why am I the Phantom of the Junior High? I'm a junior high school student (seventh grade, to be exact) who identifies with Erik, the Phantom of the Opera. Therefore, I am the Phantom of the Junior High. But, please, Erik and I aren't exactly alike. I do leave threatening notes. I am not disfigured, and I do not wear a half a white mask. I live in a house, not under the ground in a lake. I do love Opera and Broadway musicals. I do wear a lot of black, especially my infamous trenchcoat. (Max, are you reading this?) I do not have a fixation with a beautiful soprano chorus girl, but I can think of several Raoul type people I would like to kill. (Ex. Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher. . .) I do have a huge preference for dark over light, and night over day. Consider it an endearing eccentricity.

And that's me in a nutshell.

I remain, gentleman, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 24/3/05 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, this is long: Here is my idea for my room:

Max's Room(In a TOWER next to Kat's so he can shout his ideas at all hours of the night)

-Royal Blue Walls
-A Bed [what else can be said]
-60" Flat Screen Plasma TV
-Playstation 2 and every game
-Bookcase with more books than the Library of Congress
-Mahogany Power Desk and Chair [not a mahogany chair, a leather chair]
-Fully Loaded Dell Insperion XPS Gen2 Laptop
-A trapdoor which dispatches Obi to Kat's room at 5AM
-A tunnel leading to a private airstrip at which I have a Gulfstream G5
-A closet which instantly summonses any article of clothing from either Barney's or "The Al Franken Store" or LiberalKidStore or any where else.
-A robot butler
This is sorta funny: I'm about to go on a driving trip to Vegas, so my Mom told me to rent some light movies for the car. I got three documentaries (Out-Foxed[the evils of Rupert Murdoch], What the #@*! do We Know, and Bowling for Columbine. I also got a foreign film (Good Bye Lenin). Fun, Huh? Also I wrote a fan fic. Tell me what you think:

The Death of Mon Mothma
On the third moon of Dathomir, Bartok Uta was restless. This was the day his plan would come to reality. Uta’s slim, slender Aa’raian body gleamed sleekly in the moonlight. He strapped his DL-6H blaster to his thigh and checked his ankle vibroblade. Armed and ready to go Uta paused just long enough to grab a vial of Red Mist, before he jumped on his speeder and headed to the spaceport.


President Mon Mothma looked regal in her elegant white gown. As she finished her speech, her chief of security Lt. Page made his way over to the aging chief of state.

"Madam President, you have a 3:00 meeting with Admiral Akabar"

"OK let’s go"

They walked down the Grand Corridor and arrived at Mothma’s office at precisely 3:57.


Uta’s Lambada Class Shuttle, cleared Coruscant Airspace Security three minutes after Mothma arrived in her office and landed at Docking Bay 327-Alpha, only ½ a kilometer from the Imperial Palace. But, Uta had no intention of walking he quickly got on to a turbolift and within seconds the Palace was insight.

Uta dodged around the front of the magnificent building and dodged down a service ladder. Crawling through air ducts he reached Mothma’s office just as the Admiral was leaving. Uta released the vial of Red Mist.


In the president’s office Mon Mothma started coughing. Her fragile body started convulsing violently. Page rushed in and saw the vial. He sealed the room and sent out an emergency signal. Within 45 second they were both dead, spinal fluid and blood strewn through the room by the seizures.


In the PalaceSec control room Col. Breman, looked at disbelief in his screen. The he reached for his ComLink.

"This is Breman. Code Blue. Mothma is down. Secure the VP. Lockdown the building."


Three PalaceSec officers barreled into the office of Vice President Leia Organa Solo and pulled her down to the bunker.

"What the Hell is going on?" Yelled Leia

"Mothma is down. The palace is under siege" replied a security officer.

"My Children, and Han?"

"Were Securing them now, Ma’am."


Uta ran down the corridor blasting three senators. At the end of the hall a PalaceSec officer took aim, but was gunned down with brutal mercilessness. As he ran, another senator and three security personal were felled. Finally, a young jedi threw out his lightsaber and severed the assassin’s head. Blood spurted everywhere, but a pure heart of evil finally got his.


"Ladies and Gentleman, we have a breaking news update" said the SWNN reporter. "President Mon Mothma was slain by an assassin approximately twenty minutes ago. Leia Organa Solo was just sworn in as the new president"


Three days later Mon Mothma was laid to rest in a funeral service on Chandrila. And so came to an end the blazing fire that was Mon Mothma and her glorious reign of peace.

The End

The assassin is an OC, ask your brother who the others are. Tell me what you think ans what I should rate it.

Have a nice Spring Break,


PS: I'm now morbid than you.

At 24/3/05 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm Reading it!

At 24/3/05 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

on ur old blog u spelt gum gun.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I corected ur spelling. The apocalipse is near.

At 24/3/05 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, my comments are longer than ur blog


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