Friday, March 25, 2005

In Which We Detest Computers, Wonder About Casting Purely In General, and Speculate Upon What Those Four Comments Were About

Here I am, back again with the daily posting from the mind of your friendly neighborhood Phantom. My daily Erik-esque thoughts, etc., shall be duly noted. Now. One very important part of being a ghost, of an opera or otherwise, I believe, is murderous impulses. I have actually been feeling more of these than usual, but I somewhat wonder if they count, as they are all directed toward the same object -my highly demonic computer. I detest this computer. I hate this computer. I loathe this computer. I - hang on, I need to find the thesaurus - abhor, can't stand, find insufferable, be repulsed by, and can't bear this hunk of apathetic, spiteful, evil hardware.

Why do I detest, hate, abhor, loathe, can't stand, find insufferable, be repulsed by, and can't bear this hunk of apathetic, spiteful, evil hardware? Because it will not allow me to post my fan fiction. My fan fiction is good. I know my fan fiction is good! At least, I'm fairly sure, but that's beside the point. If I can't post it, how shall I ever know, as no one around me understands the bizarre and implausible plot nuances of the Phantom of the Opera. Well, I'm sure with some work some of my debate club cronies could, but that would merely spark debates over RC versus EC and whether or not ER slash should be legal, not to mention the good old OW or no OW arguement, which in our current "political turmoil," as Max put it, we do not need. Trust me, Phantom pairing debates are brutal, brutal things. But back to hating the computer. I've exhausted the thesaurus, so what more is there to say? Oh yes. It will not allow me to access my blog comments, so I am forced to guess what they were. Here are my guesses:

First comment was undoubtedly from a Justin Timberlake fan, begging me to spare their idol. Who knew one of my readers was a Justin fan? Who knew Justin fans could read? Second comment. . .perhaps the ghost host or liberalkid? Speaking of which, how did the ghost host find my blog? Did I tell him and get amnesia? I need to stop using so many question marks, this post is starting to look ridiculous. Now then, if one of you two are commenting, it is probably to inform me of some new debate club oddity (the secretary staging an assassination attempt on the advisor, Andy found examining a pair of my jeans with a microscope to make sure they aren't low rise) or to comfort me upon my realization that none other than Mos Def is playing the great Ford Prefect. Third comment was probably Erik telling me to stop impersonating him, or he would kill Nadir. After all, Erik knows killing me is impossible, as I, being a fan fiction authoress, control him, so the only solution would be to kill my other favorite character. Nadir. . .Goddess, what a wonderful, underappreciated, saintly fellow he is. Everyone, pause to worship Nadir Khan. Great, moving on. The question is, to what?

Now, on to casting! Why am I currently so purely weirded out by casting? Because I was just recently cast in a show, as - I suggest you stop reading now if you value your sanity - an adrogynous, assexual violinist named - of all things - Ezekiel. Wow. Pretty strange, no? Zeke for short. No nicknames, please. Whilst Ely finds this infinitely funny (big surprise) Erika is decidedly not amused. Not that I blame her. I'm not really too amused myself, especially as Zeke's best friend is, of all people, Elmer Fudd. Despite the fact that one can search on Google in Elmer's language, as I recently learned from the ghost host, I still find this a tad bit. . .well. . .disconcerting. As well as the fact that Elmer is accused of the murder of Carl the Dead Guy, and that's not to mention the lady who's husband might be unfaithful. Or not. Plus the wannabe detective and the dramatic jazz music. Actually, remind me why I'm in this play? I did, admittedly, start this whole problem in an improv game that gave them the idea, but really, they didn't have to take it to such extremes. Or add the dramatic jazz music. I offered them the Phantom overture, but would they listen? No.

In the vein of strange castings, they considered - seriously considered - Antonio Banderas as Erik in the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie. "Chris-teen, help me make the Music of the Night, and do you have any tequila? Let us do zee Macarena of zee Night!" Really, him singing at the Oscars was bad enough. Gerard Butler, what with the questionable vocal prowess, Scottish accent and unfortunate nasal discharge after All I Ask Of You was truely cringe worthy, but Antonio. . .I wouldn't even have gone to see it, I swear. Actually, I would have, probably six or seven times, but I am a captive phan so I don't count. Antonio, going from Puss In Boots to Ghost In Mask, is, trust me, a bad idea. Though Raoul does kind of remind me of that Prince Charming character in Shrek 2. Kind of. Loosely. Okay, so now I'm Raoul bashing. And I don't like to bash Raoul. May I remind you that Erik gave Christine to Raoul in the end? Well, he did. Sorry, I must salvage the dignity of the Phantom. I have a reputation to keep for my phellows, you know. Erm, was that a tangent? Erika says yes. She's right. Ely says yes, but who cares. Right. Well, moving on. . .

May I beg whatever readers I have, shamelessly, to please try and find me on With the search tool? My pen name is SimplyElymas, or you can find me by checking out the poetry category in the books category in the PotO category. Good luck decoding that sentence. Or you could just try this: That works too.

I remain, gentleman, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 27/3/05 2:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read it. I really dont have any more to say...Oh, I'm thinking of starting XOF news (the liberal alternitive to FOX[evil][Rupurt Murdock is Satan])

At 27/3/05 9:02 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

XOF? I worry, Max, I worry. . .


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