In Which Kat Needs An Aspirin And Rants
There was only darkness. Deep, all consuming, darkness. With little meowing noises inside of it. The meowing noises weren't a cat. They were a Kat. A Kat with a headache. And a sinus infection. And then there came a voice. . .
Ben: Kat? Um, Kat? Are you okay in there?
Max: (Waves stethoscope menacingly.)
Mickey: Um. . .
Julian: I'm worried. I'm worried.
Gabe: Let's hide.
Kat: (Comes out of darkness.) Um. (Weakly.) Hey. I realize I don't look my best, guys. . .
Gabe: Don't look your best?!? You look like you're going to fall apart into little pieces that your mother can parquet the floor with!
Ben: Gabe, that was a really weird image. . .
Kat: Don't knock it. She might really do that. Anyway. The point is. Elephants! Elephants! Whopping great brains! Gobs of brains! And after Armageddon. GONE! (If you got that reference you're the best thing since sliced bread.)
Everyone: Huh?
Aziraphale: It's a quote from the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, "Good Omens." I'm from the novel, you see.
Caterpillar From Alice In Wonderland: I do not. (Smokes hookah.) See.
Kat: Well, Ella's watching that particular Disney movie, so. . .Oh, damnitall. I should just tell you what's going on. Okay, so, folks. . .
Max: Yay! Story time! Milk 'n' coookies!
Ben: (Grabs Max. Makes him stop bouncing.) You were saying?
Kat: Wow, thanks, Ben. . .Um, yes, moving on. The J.G. currently has a sinus infection, and will therefore not be available for the engagement you offered her to appear on your show alongside the J.G. crew - oh, so sorry, that was my reply to the note Jerry Springer sent me offering us an episode on the show. . .Um. Here's the real news!
I woke up this morning almost completely unable to breathe. Which is really not fun. Really. Excuse my rantings, but you guys get vented on, I'm afraid, when these things happen to me. Don't like it, don't read it. I was duly put back to bed, like a good little girl, then taken to the doctor, who prodded, poked, exclaimed "Oh my! You're so TALL!" and finally pronounced that I have a sinus infection and must stay home and be domestic and sickly and all that.
Aside from checking my email every fifteen seconds, and a headache, I'm feeling fine, thanks for asking, and I can breathe now. Which, contrary to popular opinion, is a good thing. I really wish I could see you guys. I've been a bit down since November first. Perhaps it's the cough. I don't know. There's something in Celtic myths about how everything's a circle. Therefore, extremely happy times (i.e. Halloween cherryade) must be followed by bad times (i.e. sinus infections.).
Julian: Whoa, that was a long piece of dialouge.
Max: (Snores in corner.)
Ben: (Absently kicks Max.)
Max: Myah.
Oh, yes. Special thanks to Julian and John U.'s mother for feeding me yesterday when Madame Pince kicked us out of the library.
The rest of the day was spent reading fanfiction. Nightmare Before Christmas fanfiction.
Allow me to say this.
Ha ha, HTML humor. . .
Quote of the Day
Every time you make Jack Skellington use fangirl Japanese, Tim Burton dies a little inside.
- Delcat
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Get Well Soon!!!
are you feeling a little better since this morning?
you missed the anthro test!!!
lucky you...or not lucky maybe...i'm just glad it's over with...
max--sacon said i'm still secretary and VP..although i think kat should be VP.
you cant fire me max! and threaten to give my job to the sixth graders! geez
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
In Which Kat Needs An Aspirin medically known as ASA And Rants
There was only darkness. Deep, all consuming, darkness. With little meowing noises inside of it. The meowing noises weren't a cat. They were a Kat. A Kat with a headache. And a sinus infection. And then there came a voice. . .
Ben: Kat? Um, Kat? Are you okay in there?
Max: (Waves stethoscope menacingly.) Fun!
Mickey: Um. . .
Julian: I'm worried. I'm worried.
Gabe: Let's hide.
Kat: (Comes out of darkness.) Um. (Weakly.) Hey. I realize I don't look my best, guys. . .
Gabe: Don't look your best?!? You look like you're going to fall apart into little pieces that your mother can parquet the floor with!
Ben: Gabe, that was a really weird image. . .
Kat: Don't knock it. She might really do that. Anyway. The point is. Elephants! Elephants! Whopping great brains! Gobs of brains! And after Armageddon. GONE! (If you got that reference you're the best thing since sliced bread.)
Everyone: Huh?
Aziraphale: It's a quote from the novel by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, "Good Omens." I'm from the novel, you see.
Caterpillar From Alice In Wonderland: I do not. (Smokes hookah.) See.
Kat: Well, Ella's watching that particular Disney movie, so. . .Oh, damnitall. I should just tell you what's going on. Okay, so, folks. . .
Max: Yay! Story time! Milk 'n' coookies! I hope there chocolate chippy!
Ben: (Grabs Max. Makes him stop bouncing. But I likeie bouncie!) You were saying?
Kat: Wow, thanks, Ben. . .Um, yes, moving on. The J.G. currently has a sinus infection, and will therefore not be available for the engagement you offered her to appear on your show alongside the J.G. crew - oh, so sorry, that was my reply to the note Jerry Springer sent me offering us an episode on the show. . .Um. Here's the real news! ha!
I woke up this morning almost completely unable to breathe. Which is really not fun. Really. Hey! Have you ever been at 50% lung capacity? I thought not! Excuse my rantings, but you guys get vented on, I'm afraid, when these things happen to me. Don't like it, don't read it. I was duly put back to bed, like a good little girl, tee, hee, hee, then taken to the doctorWhoe’s ur doc?, who prodded, poked, exclaimed "Oh my! You're so TALL!" hee, hee and finally pronounced that I have a sinus infection and must stay home and be domestic and sickly and all that.
Aside from checking my email every fifteen seconds, and a headache, I'm feeling fine, thanks for asking, and I can breathe now. Which, contrary to popular opinion, is a good thing. I really wish I could see you guys. I've been a bit down since November first. Perhaps it's the cough. I don't know. There's something in Celtic myths about how everything's a circle. Therefore, extremely happy times (i.e. Halloween cherryade) must be followed by bad times (i.e. sinus infections.).
Julian: Whoa, that was a long piece of dialouge.
Max: (Snores in corner.)
Ben: (Absently kicks Max.) Owwie!
Max: Myah.
Oh, yes. Special thanks to Julian and John U.'s mother for feeding me [US] yesterday when Madame Pince kicked us out of the library.
The rest of the day was spent reading fanfiction. Nightmare Before Christmas fanfiction.
Allow me to say this.
Jack is a skeleton. Therefore, he is, by definition, dead. He cannot kill himself. Why would he want to in the first place, anyway? Also. Sally is not evil. She is a kind, good, understand person. Um, stitchling-sewed-together-thing. And Jack loves her. And she loves Jack. And Jack/Other Character fanfictions don't work, gosh darnit! Jack and Sally are in love. Deal with it.
Ha ha, HTML humor. . .
Quote of the Day
Every time you make Jack Skellington use fangirl Japanese, Tim Burton dies a little inside.
- Delcat
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
and why did u havta go. i gost lotsa wierd theroys!
question..i forgot my mockinbird book, and my essay's due tomorrow. umm what can i replace my Paragraph on scout's pink dress with?
i have 2 paragraphs based on a scout quote, and i should only have 1 based on a quote...what else changed scout?
i have
"atticus was right"
the pink dress thingy
and the "you dont really know a person untill you get in their shoes and walk around in them" (is that quote right? mr. mayer told me to quote more in my essay, but i dont ahve my that quote exact)?
kat--its time you download Aol Instant Messenger AKA AIM!!!!!
also. (ben, max, julian, and gabe..just ignore me)
you wrote on my paper when you were correcting it...
"I'd change the stuff about the dress to something more crucial-maybe how her POV on Atticus changed..." mean like the mad-dog thingy..yes it changed like what she thought on Atticus, but like how is it significant?
Can't help you now I guess. . .Sorry. Best of luck, dear.
And hanging out aimlessly at home is no fun with you gang of idiots around. . .
I even miss David.
There is obviously something seriously wrong with me.
Ben: This sounds familiar.
kat i saw your dog today when your siblings got picked up from school.
he is so adorable!!
black? right?
i just wanna give him a he looks so nice and big and cuddly and cute
im so freakin excited for tomorrow.
this is amaaaaaaaaaaaazing..i've never been to a screening in my life!!
be nice to your dad...especially at your conference......please ... lol
omg i was in advisory today, and hamilton complimented me on my eyebrows...weird stuff.
and they talked about football the whole time, and ben P and I were spacing out.
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