We're Past the Point of No Return. . .Way, Way, Past
Debate Club Party
Please leave your sanity at the gate.
That was what the sign said. My mother gave me a long, strange look. I did my best to shrug and pass it off as if, "Oh, well, Ben always has that kind of sign on his gate. I mean, doesn't everyone?" Then the aforementioned Ben exploded - you should go out for track - as he is wont to do, out of the gate, followed by Max, resplendent in shorts, now that it's summer and we have no dean to harrass us, and well, my mother left.
Ah, that I had been so wise. I'll skip the discussion of what was the most annoying song in the world. I'll skip my exasperated reaction to Ben's code in the comments. I'll go right to the pool.
Now, yesterday and a pool, the infamous event, was one thing. This, ladies and gentlemen, was a a whole new world. And I have sworn off writing lyrics in the middle of my blog, so no "Aladdin" lyrics present. Who was present in this whole new world? Gabe, Max, Ben, and Mac, and of course, me. I just knew this was a bad idea.
Ben: I resent that.
Max: As do I.
Aside from the very obvious uncomfortable state of being in a bathing suit - I hate being in a bathing suit, until I get into the water, and then for some reason I feel fine - the chaos that promptly ensued was brilliant. Mac is a bit adverse to water, because. . .well. . .because. . .because he's half fox-fire demon and is a fire apparition, and therefore detests the water and is terrified that it will dull his phsycic powers. I kid thee not. Gabe and I were, to some extent, battling over who was the better swimmer, Max was wearing his trunks a bit low and wearing a Red Sox cap in the pool, and Ben was being Ben to the fullest extent of Ben-ness. Deduce from all of that what you may.
Max: I REALLY resent that!
Ben: As do I.
I hadn't swam for a while, so I was surprised at how decent my form was and all that. I can swim, well, if not like a fish, than like a Phantom. Erik did live on a lake, he did, so who's to say he didn't take a dip once in a while? Now, that could spark a whole debate as to what kind of swimming suit Erik would wear, because I don't think he'd swim in that tuxedo that he wears in ALW, but it won't right now, because this is my blog, MINE, and I don't want that at the moment.
Here are some snippets of dialouge.
Mac: Don't go with him! You'll destroy. . .destroy. . .everything. . .Elymas. . .
Kat: Er. . .who? I'll go with what where when? I'll do what?
Mac: This is what you deserve, Elymas! (Attacks.)
Kat: Oh, gleep.
The only thing we were missing was monkey torture. Unfortunately, it wasn't missing for long. But what has to be my favorite moment follows thusly. We were discussing what was the most annoying song in the world. I hold out for "All I Ask of You," for personal reasons. Gabe stuck by "So Long and Thanks For All the Fish." And with brilliant finality, Max said absolutely nothing. It was at this extremely opportune moment that Ben turned on "Barbie Girl." He has the CD. (?!)
Then Sane Personage, sensible Sane Personage who we'd been horrifically terrifying, I'm sure, all day, came in. Ben turned off the music, and we all started laughing like hyenas. Sane Personage, who may have been a bit puzzled at this point, asked, "Why are you all blushing?"
"I blush?"
"Yes, you do, Kathlyn."
"Oh. Well, that's all right then."
And so it went.
You fellows guessed my password. I am making a very stupid decision. I'm going to trust you. Max, I trust you just because you're Max and you're that kind of naive person. Ben, I'm not entirely sure why I trust you. Because you're Ben, mostly. Gabe, I trust you for no good reason, because you are wholly evil.
In closing, let us thank Ben for our wonderful new JG icon on the bar, and for turning the bar black for sort of Ben-ish reasons.
And so it begins. . .
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
You posted this twice.
So I did.
Aww, you deleted the cool version with all the comments.
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