You know, I don't really have anything to post about, but this. . .Oh! I just remembered!
Official Phantomy Congratulations To The Cast And Crew Of Guys And Dolls On Their Excellent Show Yesterday. . .The Phantom Of The Junior High Is Proud To Count Among It's Members Two Of Them. . .We Are Also Proud To Type The First Letter Of Every Word In Capital Letters. . .Regardless Of The Fact That Being A Member Of A Demented Crew Of Bloggers Isn't Exactly Great On Your Theatrical Resumee.
There's nothing really to say, but I wanted to post that, and this quote. . .
Quote of the Day
"I know you guys. I can never get a straight answer, but I can understand your slightly crooked ones."
- Gabe
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant, setting the record for shortest blog,
when are we doing La Vie Phantom!?
I'm driven by an urge to comment, though I have nothing to say.
who can tell me what this quote is from: its a play
" Dies irae dies illa
Kyrie eleison
Yitgadal v' yitkadash, etc. "
i konw that yitgadal thingy in temple..and so does gabe..i think... i hope
something to do wiht dead/ill people
okay i just gave it away
To days of inspiration
Playing hookie, making something out of nothing
The need to express
To communicate,
To going against the grain,
Going insane
Going mad
To loving tension, no pension
To more than one dimension,
To starving for attention,
Hating convention, hating pretension
Not to mention of course,
Hating dear old mom and dad
To riding your bike,
Midday past the three- piece suits
To fruits to no absolutes
To Absolute- to choice
To the Village Voice
To any passing fad
To being an us-for once-, instead of a them -
La vie Boheme
La vie Boheme
(JOANNE enters)
Is the equipment in a pyramid?
It is, Maureen
The mixer doesn't have a case
Don't give me that face
(MAUREEN smacks JOANNE's ass as she exits. MR. GREY reacts)
Hey Mister- she's my sister
So that's five miso soup, four seaweed salad
Three soy burger dinner, two tofu dog platter
And one pasta with meatless balls
It tastes the same
If you close your eyes
And thirteen orders of fries
Is that it here?
Wine and beer!
To hand-crafted beers made in local breweries
To yoga, to yogurt, to rice and beans and cheese
To leather, to dildos, to curry vindaloo
To huevos rancheros and Maya Angelou
Emotion, devotion, to causing a commotion
Creation, vacation
Hey, uh...what?
Yitgadal v' yitkadash sh'mei rabah...umm...I forgot what comes next.
So do I have to include an obligatory book quote? Let's see what I've got on my shelf...
I picked out the first book I saw, I book I stopped reading a while ago for God knows why. So let's turn to a random page, and...
"Some said that it could be seen, like a great black horseman, a dark shadow under the moon. Wherever he came a madness filled our foes, but fear fell on our boldest, so that horse and man gave way and fled."
The sytle may give it away, or maybe the subject matter. Either way, umm...I had to type "either way" because it felt like the right think to say.
I too have nothing to say, and that strikes me as odd, i usually have something to say, of course having something to say is just a lack of having nothing to say, and having nothing to say is also a lack of having something to say, so this whole talking thing is an overrated paradox.
-no that is not a quote, i really just made that up. its true though
how are there 9 comments on 1 paragraph
Because I rock.
I too have nothing to say, and that strikes me as odd, i usually have something to say, of course having something to say is just a lack of having nothing to say, and having nothing to say is also a lack of having something to say, so this whole talking thing is an overrated paradox.
Gabe. . .you're starting to sound like Douglas Adams.
Or maybe Ben.
No, not Ben. You can copy Douglas Adams, but only Ben sounds like Ben.
Aside from me. Sometimes.
I'm not making any sense at all, am I.
Julian's comment may be a quote of the day despite the fact that it's about not being able to be the quote of the day.
im seein the school play tonight.
was it good?
is t here food there! :)
la vie phantom at kat's nextweek!
hehe but it has to be like late after noon
4 or 5ish kuz of my horseshow
Ha! It just occured to me that I have to remember my lines. I shall go learn them now.
The school play is brillant. It must be the PotJH effect on Gabe and Ben, and thereby the play. Ha.
i saw the half of it..
i had a huuuge headache before it started, so i was like walkin around the school 4 half.
You really have no idea what that means, do you dear?
I say that with utmost affection.
Once again, I'm struck wordless. I'll have to improvise...
F'shew! Zzzap! Bajang! Homonofang! Umm...pachow!
Snap! Crackle! Pop! (Is that from a cereal ad, or a Batman fight?)
Nitwit. Oddment. Tweak. Who am I quoting?
(Well, technically J.K. Rowling from the first HP book, but still.)
Wasn't it "Nitwit. Blubber. Oddment. Tweak."?
:::apologizes for the interruption and slinks back to lurking::::
waid kat..what what means?
okay if i see wicked with Kris Cuisick er whatever im gonna die.
hes like even gayer than anthony, and he sounds like a girl...where does RENT tour? i think im seein it on broadway...
ehh him and roger sound bad.
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That was just unkindly funny. Now I feel mean for laughing.
okay i deleted it..hehe you konw who would kill me
Ooh ooh ooh TELL ME!!
I think Dr. Banna should be made into a comic book. That'd be the best! I need someone to pitch that idea to a major corporation or something. Any major corporation. I live near the Occidental building...
Or I could just ask Max to make more. MORE MORE!!
I’m bored.
Let’s write haikus describing our present state.
Granite girl waiting
For a change in the wind and
A show to be done.
umm okay
okay my math homework is STUPIDLY AMAAZING!
i started at 9 and i just finished.
see Dlc(nickname for math teacher) like gave miranda 3+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ on her homework, and she didnt even write the directions..and mine is aammmaaazing and the best i've gotten is 3++. so im goin for INFINATE +s. heh. i knew i failed the last test, and i never wanted to see my grade..and didnt!
i mean that l in Dlc is an L..not i.
just had to make that clear
mehh. i talked to mac on aim today, and he still didnt invite met to his party. ehh
kat are you doing over the moon the last day of school?
please do. that will be sooo funny.
thank you
ben what is your favorite song in rent>
i just spoke to a producer of rent on teh phone. wow. twas cool
here are my notes..
1. How long did it take to film?
• The actual filming was about 60 days, or 12 weeks. We worked on the music for 8 weeks. Rehearsal was for 4 weeks
2. In what ways did the play differ from the musical?
• The movie allowed us to actually get on the streets on New York City, Musically, and every word of the play was sung. The director, Chris Columbus thought that there should be more dialogue. On stage, they gave you a playbill, and there was a diagram that showed the relation of the characters, because they play was a bit confusing. “The movie allowed us to be more clear.”
3. What was it like working with the Larsons?
• It was great. Julie Larson, who was a co-producer on it, and was Jonathan’s sister, and Jonathan’s father, Al Larson, were both on set every day. They were there for moral support. They also did give us a chance to be able to add some questions. Because Jonathan wasn’t around you couldn’t ask, “what was this moment really about,” or “what did you really mean here?” They were a really good resource for us.
4. Did you film any of the scenes that were in the play, and then deleted in the
Movie? Halloween
5. Why are the mark/roger fight, The end of “Goodbye Love, ” and “Halloween” in the soundtrack, and not movie?
• It was filmed and then taken out. Chris decided to take it out because. On stage, the structure is a little different, because it is a 2-act play. Chris found that when you go to that point in the movie, it became so emotionally draining, that it became too much. It was a little over whelming. When he took those 2 pieces out, he felt the end of the movie worked better because you weren’t overwhelmed with emotion at that particular moment.
6. In what ways did the Original Broadway Cast change what the film would have been like with more popular celebrities?
There was question of casting Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, and Usher!
It added depth. The OBC created the role, and Jonathan died the night before the first preview. They all experienced that and lived through that. It was very sad, and bound them all together. Every night seemed like a memorable.
7. How did Rosario and Tracie fit in?
Rosario and Tracie fit in fantastically well. Taye digs said that after a couple of hours, it felt like they were always there. “We got lucky that it did work well. ”Tracie auditioned about 8 times
8. What inspired you to make the movie?
In 1997, Chris Columbus and I worked on another movie in New York City. Chris invited him to see a show, RENT, and loved it. “We saw it with the original cast, and it was just fun, and emotional.’ That day they thought it would be great to make a movie. Seeing the show started it. It took a long time to make it a movie because other producers were involved. It took years to get the rights.(he gave me a number like over 5, but I forgot it)
9. Is there any history behind “Love Heals?” I know that it wasn’t in the play, and it isn’t even in the movie. It’s only in the soundtrack.
Love heals was written by Jonathan Larson. Jonathan had a friend named Ally Crouse who was one of the first heterosexual women to come forward to say she had aids. It was a time that everyone thought that people thought it was a gay man disease. He wrote it for her. In Life support, there’s a girl named ally. They recorded it, and we thought that it would be a nice contribute. “Love Heals Foundation,” promotes aids education. All of money made by the song goes to the foundation. Chris decided not to use Love Heals in the end credits, and for him, it took him out of the movie a little bit. He thought it would create too many questions, so he felt that staying with the music that was in RENT would keep you staying with the movie. “He wanted you to stay in the movie and be thinking about what you just saw.” At the end of the movie, Chris just wanted you to think about what you just saw.
10. How did the Original Broadway Cast members react when they were asked to be in the film?
When they were doing the show on Broadway, and it became a hit show, they knew that the would never be in the movie. They laughed about which movie star would play them in the movie. Anthony was the first person who we met with. Every single on of them were absolutely thrilled. Daphne-Rubin Vega was pregnant, and Freddi was too old.
11. Why is it that in the movie, some things that were sung in the play, were spoke through in the movie?
-Beginning of La Vie Boheme
-Happy New Year
Many things became dialogue because it was too confusing all sung. Chris felt that audience would be able to relate to the characters more if there was a little more dialogue. His overall concept when he was writing that movie was to do things realistically.
sorry this is my 7697th post in a row, but they ipdated with pictures, and adam looks so pasty. and anthony...adorable
Guys, you're going to LOVE this. . .
I won't be around for quite some time, because - and this is the good part -
Until I come up with $10.50 in library fines.
Because this is about as likely as a elephant with pink wings flying out of Max's derriere, I will not be around for quite some time.
I came up with 10.50. . .with the help of an anonymous benefactor, ha ha, and oddly enough, my mother.
But I'm STILL not allowed in. Because I haven't gotten in the book.
The thought of someone selfishly keeping the wonder of reading all to themselves shoots a hole through my heart, when then proceeds to bleed. Painfully.
For shame.
Today Sir John said talk amongst yourselves, however, as the people in the room only have oneself, this was impossible to fulfill.
The moral of the story: never say talk amongst yourselves unless you are talking to someone with multiple personalities
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