In The Immortal Words Of Tom Collins. . .

Heh heh. No credit taken for the picture.
Well, Merry Christmas, folks. Kat is a very happy girl today, because she has recieved a scanner. Not to mention a digital camera. There is a God.
My siblings woke me up at five thirty to come downstairs for Christmas. "Bah, humbug," said Kat cheerily. That's the good thing about having li'l tykes around. They make Christmas more. . .Christmasy. That and A Charlie Brown Christmas and also getting a cherryade email in the midst of all this. Ah, bluss. Er, bliss. Well, it's eleven twenty seven now, and Christmas morning is well over and done with, and thusly begins the blog post.
Skirts! Skirts! Skirts! Every year it's the same damn thing! My mother forces upon me - SKIRTS! In the words of Charlie Brown - AAUGH! But this year she finally struck gold. It's a skirt I actually like. (Well, aside from that one black dress she bought be that I wore to "The Drowsy Chaperone," that one time. But I am fond of that one for entirely unrelated reasons.) This skirt is extremely nineteenth century-esque, which is definitely its saving grace. You cannot force me into sparkles or glitter or ruffles. But if it's black and has gothic lace on it, I'm sold. I am a self confessed sucker for gothic lace. And also cravats, but girls aren't supposed to wear those.
Also, earrings from the elephants. When will they remember that my pierced ears closed up last year? Oh well. This things do 'appen, as Carlotta and her doggehs would say. ("Yes, you see, I am goink now, I'm rrreally leeving, eet ees feenished!" Minnie Driver rocks.)
You know what I love? Okay, I'm aware that I have a possibly unhealthy fixation with Peanuts (not the nut, the comic). So my favorite thing on Christmas is having an excuse to get out the Charlie Brown Christmas special and watch it over and over and over and over and over until the VCR breaks. Oh yes. I always - always - tear up when Linus starts reciting the Bible passage.
Erika: You didn't hear that. You will reveal this information about Kat's sentimental side to no one.
Gabe: Kat, are you turning into a marshmallow or something? First skirts, then tearing up at Bible passages. . .what are we going to do with you?
(Silence. Continuing silence. Kat is in a little teary heap on the floor.)
Ben: Um, Kat? Are you. . .
Kat: (At the top of her voice, popping up.) Merry Christmas, B-TCHES!
Ben and Gabe: (Bowled over, Peanuts style. You know, when Charlie Brown goes "AAUGH!" And Lucy goes head over heels? Yeah, like that.)
Mickey: Haha. Sorry about that. It's a Rent reference.
Kat: In the immortal words of Tom Collins.
Lahve you all. May all your Santa outfits be zebra striped.
Quote of the Day
"I always get depressed around Christmas time. I always get a load of stupid dolls and toys. I never get what I really want."
"What is it you want?"
"Real estate!"
- Lucy And Charlie Brown.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Now bring us some figgy pudding, now bring us some figgy pudding, now bring us some figgy pudding, and bring it out here! We won't go until we get some, we won't go until we get some, we won't go until we get some, so bring it out here!
Happy Chanukah!
It's not until sunset :-(
I did get something today though...because my mom likes to hang stockings and put small crap in them...I got two CDs and a bottle of medicine. I honestly don't know how that got in there.
omg i was up at midnight last night only so i could go on the blog and post : "MERRY CHRISTMAS BITCHES," when teh internet went down...a tree fell down on my street..but i swear it was like ten till!
i saw the was funny
Okay now I can say Happy Chanukah!
Heh, Ben and I just saw The Producers. Ah, cherryade, and the endless genius of Mel Brooks.
february dvd comes out
february 26..kristen chenoweth concert...
ben,gabe, the date!
oo who got what for christmas/hannukah.
i got BOSE headphones and an idina menzel CD that was supposed to come months ago....oo and a suitcase for vegas!
I just saw Walk the Line. Unfortunately, I can't say it was as good as a Mel Brooks film...
Or pretty much any film. It was like...two and a half hours of Joaquin Phoenix drinking and taking pills, then passing out.
What did I get for Christmas?
hey check out the new icon!
"yayness" lol
I'm shockingly tempted to get LTP from the PotO boards to design one for me.
Must. . .resist. . .
lpt? what's that?
ben..what did you do in vegas? did you see a jousting show by any chance? my mom is trying to get me to go....we leave tomorrow..oo and did you go to that indoor theme park?
LTP stands for "Loving the Phantom." She's a regular on the forums and she designs icons.
Good night.
well, i'm off to vegas...yeah
In the words of a great Tiger,
And the wonderful thing about Spencers is that he's the only one!
um hi..
i qm in las vegas...'s horrible!
i had to walk around FAO shwartz with a 12-year-old who acts like she's 8. Still plays with dollw. and my feet hurt!
Ah, poor baby. . .
:( ... i'm actually really sick right now...
i have to miss some magic show and water show..
sorry ben...
okay i am hungry...bye
could i preetty please (w/ suger, whipped cream, and cherrys on top) repierce ur ears
the produces was great!!!
but that "big monkey" movie was awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwful
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