Have just been cast as Touchstone in As You Like It! Wh00t! And as Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock and the Woman! WTF?
Basically, this is going to mean duct tape and sports bras. And lots of them. If anyone has a good way of cross dressing to tell me, I would so appreciate it. You have no idea. My Holmes at the moment looks like, well, Kat dressing up as Holmes. In fact, doesn't even look like Holmes, because we've given the deerstalker and pipe a miss. (Gasp! But then again, this is Holmes circa 1870ish so he's only about fifteen.) But ZOMG Touchstone! So excited! I mean, on a scale of lame old Eddie Murphy from the eighties to Monty Python, Touchstone is about a Jim Carrey and not quite a Holmes-snarking-at-Watson. Which means he kicks ass, in short. Ergo, so do I. End.
But to begin again.
Name: Kat B., Kitty, Holmes, Kitty Holmes, Katie Holmes, except not, the Narrator, the ENTIRE Russian Mafia, Touchstone, et. al.
Age: Old as my tongue, a little older than my teeth.
Hair: N/A?
Current obsession: ZOMG SHERLOCK HOLMES.
Speaking of which, I am making a not very firm resolution to myself. Here it is.
I will not write Watson/Holmes slash. I will not write Holmes/Watson slash. I will not write Holmes/Watson slash. I will not write Holmes/Watson slash. I will NOT write Holmes/Watson slash. I WILL not write Holmes/Watson slash. I will not WRITE Holmes/Watson slash. I will not write HOLMES/WATSON slash. I will not write Holmes/Watson SLASH. I WILL NOT WRITE HOLMES WATSON SLASH!
I am making such an effort of will to prevent this from happening that it's not even funny, I swear to God. I mean, when the actual canon contains phrases like, "Quick, Watson! If you love me!" and "So sorry to knock you up," it's difficult to resist. It's equally hard not to write Holmes/Irene Adler, but I'm surviving. Barely. Mostly by comparing people to fictional characters. (I will NEVER stop.)
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