Tuesday, March 29, 2005

A Roster

It just occured to me that you may be a tad confused as to who is who in my little circle of mad acquaintances. So, what to do but give you a roster?

Max/Pinocchio: Resident knee jerk liberal. Do not mention Anne Coulter if he is near by. No common sense. I function as his common sense, which is an arguably bad idea. Otherwise known as Pinocchio. Frustrated politician. Ex-socialist. Paranoid, much? Oral fixation, or in other words, chews stuff. Diet Coke addiction.

Ben/The Blue Faerie: You know, Ben, I still am utterly unable to describe you. Er. He's Ben. Possibly the most sensible of my friends, Tina excluded. Why he is the Blue Faerie in Pinocchio terms is unknown. Frustrated sweatshirt designer, still a bit bitter. (I'm allowing anonymous comments now!) AKA The Ghost Host.

Mickey/Cleo: She needed a Pinocchio name, so I named her after the goldfish. Joy, ah, joy. But anyway. Mickey. A quite accomplished horseback rider, highly funny, quite nice. Ex-hippie. Secretary of debate club, prone to coups and power grabs. Unfrustrated sweatshirt designer.

Luke: No Pinocchio nickname. My brother. I really think that all you need to know is the dialouges I've posted between us. Does not. . .think. Star Wars nerd.

Kizzy: Little sister. Has unfailing belief that I am, in fact, the actual Erik. Quite strange, but I'd rather be Erik than Raoul. Prodigious, read Susan Kay's Phantom faster than I did. My little Lotte.

Tessa: Littler sister. Very annoying. Cries a lot. Cute anyway. My personal Luciana. Also oddly convinced that I am Erik.

Yes, indeed. This is my crew. The wrong crowd? Possibly. Strange people? Definitely. My beloveds? Occasionally. Depending on the person and the time of the day. And how many Diet Cokes said person has had. And how many Diet Cokes I've had. And what kind of situation my character in the Fan Fiction Cafe is in. And many, many, other things. Many, many, other things. Before I become too repetitive, I'm out, methinks.

And that's the news.

I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 29/3/05 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES!! Anonymous Commenting! There's no stopping me now (maniacal laughter).

I will now attempt to describe myself:

Ben - a.k.a. The Ghost Host: Computer Geek. Enjoys using big words for no particular reason. Favorite word: Outré. Goodness knows why. Is occasionaly prone to manaical laughter. Is friends with Kat and Max for reasons none of them know. Is a frustrated artist in his spare time.

Quote: "Sometimes I feel like a guy in a bar, only there's no bar, and I'm not the guy."

There you have it, a more or less accurate description of me.

Speaking of which, I am currently on campain to get my own blog. The funny thing is, I already have a blog (http://www.carouselofmagic.com), but it's on my site and I have to edit the HTML myself, which is VERY annoying. What I want is on of these nice BlogSpot blogs, because their easy to use editing features do all the hard work for me! And for the low-low price of only... Yes, I sound like an infomercial.

Oh, One more thing about me, I have to design a logo for everything. Example: At our recent trip to JPL, I designed a logo for my lunchbox. I designed a logo for Max, too, without him asking of course. Yes, I design a logo for everythi... wait a second...

to be continued...

At 30/3/05 1:27 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

I forsee a logo in this blog's future. Hopefully? Possibly?

At 30/3/05 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why how ever did you know?

The Phantom of the Junior High

At 31/3/05 3:06 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Mystical powers of Opera Ghost-ness, I suppose.


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