Friday, September 09, 2005

So Today I Was Just Thinking. . .

That I am feeling a tad bit like Jack Skellington, and finding the whole thing vaguely annoying. You know the whole "wanting something you can't quite articulate," thing? Or maybe I feel like Sally. Yes, that's quite possible. Oh, to heck with Nightmare Before Christmas comparisons. Let's have some good old fashioned, light, crisp, and refreshing Phantom comparisons. And today's question is. . .

Which Erik Are You?

Kat - Kay Erik in Persia/Leroux Erik. That's me. A sort of sardonic, sarcastic, childish, funny, if I do say so myself, and weird personage. Also, I take the same delight in shocking people as Kay Erik. People such as Nosy Nadir Like Figures. Like Leroux Erik, I love to mock and puzzle people. And puzzling people. People such as resident Monsieur Girys. I'd have to say I'm most like Erik during his times in Rome and Persia. Mostly because, well, because, I have a corresponding Luciana, only they're much nicer than Luciana, and Luciana is from the days in Rome. (Luciana was Erik's crush. Fine, now I've humiliated myself. I hope you enjoyed it.) And Persia, because, well, that's just me. Shocking, funny, a bit morbid, to the point, merciless. Yay. There's also my tendency to speak in third person, like Leroux Erik, and the fact that I share Leroux Erik's extreme hyperness. Wow, that was stereotypical.

Ely - PoP Erik. Yes, you read that right. PoP is an acronym for the disaster of a movie "Phantom of Paradise," which was made in the 80s. This Erik is an outcast of a rock musician. He doesn't wear a mask, weirdly enough. He wears a Viking Helmet. This is all very weird, no? Well, PoP makes me think of Ely just because it's so physcedelic and colorful and all that good stuffs. Plus, it's bizarre. Really bizarre.

Erika - Robert Englund Erik. RE Erik is the evilest and goriest Phantom. He's truly scary. His mask is made of human skin, so he usually looks like a slightly stiff normal man. Then you rip it off and. . .yeah. Well, RE Erik is also notorious for these really brilliant boots he's got. And he makes a lot of smart remarks. And he has some great villian lines. One of my favorites ever is "What is behind us?" "Only the DARK!" Then he punjabs him. Yay for RE Erik. I don't recommend this movie if you have an aversion to gore, because of RE Erik's methods to maintain his mask. Well, my friends, all that human skin has got to come from somewhere. I don't love gore myself, but you know, I just sort of had to see this movie. All the other phans love it.

Gabe and Brossy - Little Kid Kay Erik. Erik was so cute when he was little! Not that these terrible two make up for it, but that's not the point. As a child, Erik was just a mini adult, and these two, especially Brossy, always give me that impression. Gabe, of course, would represent the softer side of Erik's personality. You know, Erik used to sleep with his dog, Sasha, because his mother hated him? Sad story. Eh. Well, yes. Gabe and Brossy are Little Erik.

Max - Gerik. Or, Gerard Butler Erik. Okay, now that Ben has stopped laughing - I know you are - we'll continue. Max reminds me of Gerik because he's (a) the most "humanlike" Erik, and (b) a hopeless romantic. And well. . .Yeah. Max is definitely Gerik. Can't you just see him doing PoNR with. . .um. . .(stealing a pairing idea from a certain person) Mickey? Don't kill me, Max. I can also see him doing MotN with a very confused looking David. Just because. (Damn the no-slash rule to hell. That would take the fun out of it, considering almost all of our gang are boys.) Also, neither Gerry nor Max can sing. It works. And if anyone says I dislike Gerik - I actually really do like the Gerry. He's a guilty pleasure, I'll admit.

Ben - Micheal Crawford Erik/Susan Kay Classic Erik. I was trawling through old comments today, pondering over which Erik Ben might be, and discovered one of the many incidents of maniacal laughter by our dear Ghost Host. So of course, I think, "Maniacal laughter. Micheal Crawford!" Because Crawford has the best maniacal laugh ever in the history of men, women, children, and rabbits. At first I thought Kay Erik, but I get Kay Erik, so hah. No - WAIT! (Goes back, changes something.) Okay, so I'm Susan Kay Persia Erik and Ben is Susan Kay Classic Erik. We sound like two different models of some sort of action figure or something. Oh, that's an idea. . .Phantom action figures. Hm, I'm not off subject at all. . .Well, to get back to the point, Crawford Erik's sense of humor reminds me so much of Ben. I can just see him sneaking behind a backdrop and having his sillouhette scare ballet girls. Come on, can't we all?

SP - Claude Raines Erik. You've probably heard me talk about the plot of this movie. But actually, the movie in itself is quite good, and I believe I chose this Erik as he is the most parental Erik, and well. . .Actually, in the end of the movie, (Spoiler alert.) Erik is discovered to be Christine's father. Which really puts a whole lot of disturbing connotation on the whole movie. But really now, CR Erik is a sweet person. He was an eccentric violinist at the Opera until he was fired by some jerk of a manager - Andre and Firmin, you die now - and went insane, and had acid thrown in his face. . .and well, yeah. You get the idea. You'd sort of have to see the movie to see why it reminds me of the SP. It just. . .sort of. . .does. That was articulate.

Noticed that this blog isn't even remotely about what I actually did today? No, because that gets a post all to itself, because it's just special like that.

I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 11/9/05 7:32 AM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

You should make a quiz for this on one of those sites, like Quizilla

At 11/9/05 1:13 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

I should. . .

I shall! I shall? Okay, fine, I shall. . .

At 11/9/05 6:31 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

But so that everyone can have the comforting joy of knowing which Erik they are. Everyone in the WORLD.

At 11/9/05 7:32 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 11/9/05 7:33 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

you know, i think a lot of people might not like the result of such a quiz...

At 11/9/05 8:54 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

yes what did u do anyway, or is it unfit for mortal internet connections (freaks himself out)

At 12/9/05 3:48 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 12/9/05 4:28 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

You beat me, Gabe, darn you.


Anyway. And many happy returns, haha, I can say that. . .

Anyway. (Throws confetti.)

At 12/9/05 4:52 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

You both beat me...I guess I'll call him on my mobile.

Oh yeah, speaking of Bens, a certain Ben who sits next to my sister said to her, and I quote, "Huevos rancheros has balls in it."

Will someone explain to me why he would think that a lovely Hispanic-themed breakfast would contain "balls."

At 12/9/05 5:47 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Who is this, and why do you use the same layout in your blog?


At 12/9/05 5:50 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Ooh...if Huevos rancheros has human balls in it, then it's like Soylent Greens! Why did I think of that?


At 12/9/05 6:02 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

amiable- generally agreeable apophasis • \uh-PAH-fuh-sis\ • noun
: the raising of an issue by claiming not to mention it
Example sentence:
"And I won't even mention my opponent's dismal record on environmental issues," said the candidate, using apophasis to take a jab at her rival.
Did you know?
Apophasis is a sly debater's trick, a way of sneaking an issue into the discussion while maintaining plausible deniability. It should come as no surprise, then, that the roots of "apophasis" lie in the concept of denial—the word was adopted into English from Late Latin, where it means "repudiation," and derives from the Greek "apophanai," meaning "to deny." ("Apophanai," in turn, comes from "apo-," meaning "away from" or "off," and "phanai," meaning "to say.") This particular rhetorical stunt is also known by the labels "preterition" and "paraleipsis" (which is a Greek word for "omission"), but those words are rarer than "apophasis." Incidentally, don't confuse "apophasis" with "apophysis"; the latter is a scientific word for an expanded or projecting part of an organism

source: merriam webster dictionary's word of the day:

At 12/9/05 6:29 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Just whilst we aren't on the subject. . .are you folks putting Charles Lyell and Jacques Boucher de Perthes in your anthro charts? Mickey and I are having (two) fits here. As to everything else. . .to hell with it. Mickey is yelling at me. . .

At 12/9/05 6:35 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

im sorry kat, answering that would be cheating, and detention is your hobby, not mine...

At 12/9/05 7:20 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Power outages are AWSOME!! NO HOMEWORK (and by that I mean studying, but who studies anymore?)!!

I got to miss BIO, and SPANISH, and HEALTH, oh my!

I ended up not phoning you, I just used the incredible power of txt msg.

Step one: We used large and complicated devices to tick out messages in code.

Step two: We invented large and complex devices that could project our voices to any other similar complex device.

Step three: Fast forward a few years (say, the 70's). We invent cordless phones. Amazin', now we can project voices to anywhere while moving within a confined area!

Step four: Fast forward again, this time early 90's. Mobile phones, we are able to call anyone, anywhere, from anywhere.

Step five: Fast forward once again to today. We use tiny complex devices to tick out messages. Where have we gone?

I'm not good at explaining, just at making things more long and complex than they need to be.

At 12/9/05 8:36 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...


At 12/9/05 10:24 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

i hate to make you feel sad ben, but they announced ur birthday on the advisory announcements

At 13/9/05 7:55 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Surely you jest. Or, more hopefully, surely you don't. (Imagines Talia in non air conditioned gym, and cackles evilly.)

At 13/9/05 4:36 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

if the Bush administration overturns the roadless area conservation rule ill probably need anger therapy for the rest of my life (which may not be so long if bush keeps killing trees)...

At 14/9/05 8:32 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Oh, you're using the picture! I'm flattered.

Anyway. . .good morning. . .

At 14/9/05 3:57 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

Im mad, Windows Media Player doesn't have "airplane over the sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel

it's such a good song

At 14/9/05 6:56 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

. . .Neutral milk?

At 14/9/05 7:13 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Yes, it's working again! (More confetti)

But the Buckley email is down, so I am dying slowly.

At 14/9/05 8:05 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...


New fanfiction! By me! Yes!

Go read them!

"Today is Tuesday," and "Somebody Else."

At 14/9/05 9:11 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

My life has been changed forever by this news.

At 15/9/05 8:14 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...




At 15/9/05 3:29 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

I love giving sixth graders headaches.


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