In Which Kat Blogs And Fails To Come Up With A Title
Far upstairs from the current confrontation between Zaphod and the boys, Elymas Ayeekhoor was fast asleep under the usual chaotic assortment of blankets. Her room was more than just a room. It was an experience, a pinnacle of truly inspired and elemental messiness, drawn from the true source of messiness. After the Robert Jordan reference had wreaked its havoc and passed over, the narration continued.
And, for your daily PE flag football WTF moment…
Brady: We need someone who’ll make a good blocker! (Points.) Kathlyn!
Kat: (Shrinks. Says in a tiny little voice.) I don’t think this is going to work out.
Brady: (Doesn’t listen.)
Kat: (Is flattened during the game.)
I’d rather be fencing. Ben gets it.
But the point is. Elephants! Loads of brains! Great big brains! And after the apocalypse – gone. You may have noticed I say that a lot. It’s from the brillant book Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, otherwise known as God. Good Omens being the tale of Aziraphale and Crowley, an angel and a demon sent to create the Apocalypse. Unfortunately, they’d prefer to prevent it. Quite the funny book. I’ll lend it to any of the usual gang of idiots if you lot would like.
Well, today Mickey and I went to see Mr E. . .haha, that rhymes. . .regarding the complete and total impossibility of understanding balancing equations. This eventually resulted in my emailing Mr. E the blog address, so we shall see what we shall see. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Ben: Oh, I am. But in the best way possible.
Mickey: Wait – wait – wait!
We balanced many equations. We also discussed Mandy Pattinkin, Spencer, Ben, Max, Gabe, and the impossiblility of having a conversation with any one of these people. Except in some cases. Mandy because he’s famous and therefore unattainable, and the rest of them for various reasons.
Kat: (To the tune of “Angel of Music.) Beautiful soup so rich and green! Waiting in a hot tureen! Who for such dainties would not stoop! Soup of the evening, beautiful soup!
Max: ??
Ben: !!
Kat: Why are you two speaking in punctuation marks?
Ben: . . .? . . .!
Kat: Oh.
Quote of the Day
“Testosterone knows no tomorrow.”
- The wonderfully philosophical Kat
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
i understood the fencing reference too....
I'm in fencing too...
Oooh what'd Mr. E say about me...
It's fun to end things in dot dot dots...
I think we should take some time to honor the random people of the world. This week, we'll look at a personal favourite of mine:
Mr. Fencing Teacher tells us not to use the fake swords as lightsabers, but it's hard not to when they're bright and come in so many different colors!
I am so incredibly happy, click here and read this page, especially step 7, and you'll find out why
click here to go to the site im talking about
i am currently borrowing my sister's comuter while she watches the OC.. what ever happened to mizamour's rants kat? i need to download the backround music to "Out TOnight" on iTunes...except my music store wont laod....waaaaaaaaaa! WAAAA!
the car ride to the grove was babysitter was like driving, and i was like shouting/singing/saying La Vie Boheme, some Over the Moon, umm Finale B, and OUUUUUUUUUUUT TONIGHT!
k the OC is almost over. g2g
u gave the link to your blog to Mr...EEE. Mistery....Mister. E..! hononymns!
haha u got pankaked.
PS migranes suck
Act strange and give references to strange things. For example, when people ask you the answer to anything, say 42.
Take notice in queer things that no one else cares about-- patterns in tiles, mistakes in books, unintentional rhymes etc.
Stand, sit, walk, and play on your own (Talking to yourself never hurts either.)
Don't forget to over analyze and over think everything. If at any point you're not pondering, you need to try harder.
Yep, we've got it covered, just about. . .
i agree, were definitely nerds
Normal is getting dressed in clothes you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it
-Ellen Goodman
Oh, I've heard that one before. . .Ben, did you ever quote that one?
ben probably did because he, like I, has the google personalized homepage.
the google personalized homepage, among other things, has a quote of the day. The quote i posted was once a quote of the day
I have found arguably the best webpage on the internet, and it is someway correlated with the number 42.
Douglas Adams Quotes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kat what time is La Vie Phantom
whos gonna see it w/ me?
kat what aree the lst 3 digits of ur phone #?
too late 4 la vie phantom mom just went out to dinner, so no one's home :(
except for me and tamara
i told my mom not to be surprised if one of us are dead when she gets home...we'll probably kill each other. no jl jk
um rent cast on elen degeneres tomorrow
I just went through all of the links on that page, just for old sake's sake.
And not yay, because it's dinnertime and Kat is not hungry, do you hear?
Also, Ben needs moral support. . .should that be morale support? Whatever. He had to get up at six AM to go to a football game. . .and I think most of the people involved here know why this is a problem.
To answer Spencer (ooh, answer Spencer, that sounds funny) Mr. E. showed me your essay on milk.
. . .
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