Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Hall of Shame

Because I write down funny stuff.

"Raiders of the Lost Ark! Now, what did they raid?"

"The lost ark!"

". . .thank you?"

- Mr P and F period History.

"But Romeo hung out with Mercutio. That's got to redeem him a little bit."

"No. . .that just redeems Mercutio."

- Kat and Mr. EV

"Kat, why are you wearing a top hat?"

"With Kat, the question would really be: Kat, why aren't you wearing a top hat?"

-Olivia M. and Tina

"Kat. . .get some sleep. And by performance day, gather at least one wit."


"Mr. DlC wants you to LEAVE."

- Jae

"Can I hug your desk?"

- Emmett

"We have a special guest coming. . .yes. . .George Walker Bush is coming, and then we can hang him!. . .I didn't say that."

- Mr. EV

"Oedipus didn't die. . .he just poked his eyes out. . .but hey!. . .we've all done that. . ."

- Mr. EV. Again.

"It's just hard for me to do that without sucking."

- Alex W-T

"Aristotle spoke a whole book?"

"He was a pretty smart guy."

- Ryans R. and L., respectively.

After a post full of quotes, methinks quote of the day is rendered redundant. By the way, Miss Tina is stopping by, so keep yourselves decent, will you? BEHAVE.

Write at once if convenient, if inconvenient, write all the same,

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Best Thing Ever

Max: Kat, hydrochloric acid doesn't explode.

Kat: It does in the Holmes world.

Max: You can't do that!

Kat: Yes I can!

Sophomore: Why are you talking about hydrochloric acid? Are you in chemistry?

Max: No, she's writing pornographic fan fiction.

Kat: It's not pornographic! It's. . .tastefully erotic.

Max: . . .Excuse me. She's writing tastefully erotic fanfiction.

Kat: Exactly.

Sophomore: . . .

Kat: Here, would you like to read some?

Sophomore: Is this with Sherlock Holmes characters?

Kat: Yes. I'm eccentric.

Quote of the Day

"I'm sort of dressing as Canonical!Holmes this year. Only when I have a green carnation in my lapel, I'm Lord Alfred Douglas, and when I take it out, I'm Holmes."

- Kat

Comment at once if convenient, if inconvenient, comment all the same,

Monday, October 02, 2006

And The Winner Is. . .

I have a new favorite fan fiction review. Someone just reviewed one of my H/W stories with just this:

"Whoa there!"

That's it. Ha! Although I also love the following:

"I. . .need a psychiatrist now. And heavy meds. WATSON, for God's sake! WATSON!"

But that wasn't mine. It was a review for this monstrosity which will lower your IQ several points if you read it. (Summary: Holmes has inexplicably decided to refer to Watson as a lion, which he does for the duration of the story. I don't know why. Then he rapes him. None of this makes sense. Kat then takes cyanide and dies.)

Also, guys, if Professor Moriarty were in the twenty-first century and in high school, what would he be like, who would he hang out with, etc., etc..

Quote of the Day

"I'm worried. I've missed my last two periods."

"Don't worry, dear, you can make them up after school."

- Grease 2.

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