The Best Thing Ever
Max: Kat, hydrochloric acid doesn't explode.
Kat: It does in the Holmes world.
Max: You can't do that!
Kat: Yes I can!
Sophomore: Why are you talking about hydrochloric acid? Are you in chemistry?
Max: No, she's writing pornographic fan fiction.
Kat: It's not pornographic! It's. . .tastefully erotic.
Max: . . .Excuse me. She's writing tastefully erotic fanfiction.
Kat: Exactly.
Sophomore: . . .
Kat: Here, would you like to read some?
Sophomore: Is this with Sherlock Holmes characters?
Kat: Yes. I'm eccentric.
Quote of the Day
"I'm sort of dressing as Canonical!Holmes this year. Only when I have a green carnation in my lapel, I'm Lord Alfred Douglas, and when I take it out, I'm Holmes."
- Kat
Comment at once if convenient, if inconvenient, comment all the same,
....(no comment)
Which Sophomore was this?
Oh, and I posted this horrid review of that one sick Holmes rape thing you posted (the most recent one), and actually got a response from the author defending it.
David G.
Spencer's Review: A++++++++++++
Although, I have to ask. . ."most other Sherlock Holmes rape scenes?"
I mean, how many can there be?
I only get to them through you, so I don't really know. I'm sure there are plenty though.
I think I'm Holmephobic now.
Okay, "Holmephobic" is way clever. Well played.
However, I really came here to share the link to this amazing kid playing Pachebels's Canon on guitar.
Oh I saw that video!
I wanna know what effects the kid's using.
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Anyone who likes anything about music should probably get
I was just noticing Holmephobic. Hahaha. Read these. Be cured.
BTW, Spencer, can you post the author's response? I love indignant authors!
"It continues to amaze me how many self-abusing twits there are in this world.
Let me summarize the situation. You hate 'most Sherlock Holmes rape scenes,' a phrase that implies you’ve read multiple accounts of such even though they seem to pain you, but went out of your way to drag one up from a post three years old. You then proceeded to ignore the painfully obvious warning blurb and read said story. Upon finding it distasteful you recited it aloud to others who you knew were loathe to hear such a genre.
You, sir or madam, seem to be both a masochist and sadist. Both traits also seemingly genetic as your family played along. I, in fact, am now laughing as well; at you. Perhaps to you and your kin such a situation is ‘bizarre’ and ‘sick’ but I find you putting so much effort into exposing yourself and others to something you find foul even more humorous.
I, in turn, congratulate you. In less than one hundred words you’ve reaffirmed my belief in the sheer daftness of an alarmingly large portion of the human race.
My best to your family.
Sardonically yours,
P.S. Since you seem to derive such pleasure from indulging in stories you are bound to hate, might I suggest you peruse “Last Straw” as well? I realize you must have overlooked it because it does not bare a rape warning to draw your horribly confused interest."
Somehow I'm not laughing. It's just not that's kind of sad that this [insert gender noun here] is seriously defending her Sherlock Holmes rape scene, as if it's a legitamite work of fiction.
NOTE: When I received the reply, it was really bizarrely formatted, with indentions every which way. Unfortunately blogspot doesn't support that, so it shows up normal.
"YOU FUC...oh wait, nevermind. :-D"
"see how they run like pigs from a gun see how they run. I'm crying."
-from I am the walrus by the beatles
this lyric has been brought to you by Gabe's weird lyrics! Your source for weird lyrics every day!!!!!!
I am he as as you are he as you are me as we are all together.
"Roller skate skinny and the terrible twos, how can you have everything and nothing to lose?"
"Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your Knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen, I am the walrus,
goo goo gajoob"
- from i am the walrus by the beatles, taken from
This site
I challenge you all to find lyrics more weird, tell me who it's by and the song name
"I was once a treehouse
I lived in a cake
But I never saw the way
The orange slayed the rake
I was only three years dead
But it told a tale
And now listen little child to the safety rail.
Did you ever see a llama
Kiss a llama on the llama
Funny llama fuzzy llama
Llama llama duck!
Is that how it's told now?
Is it all so old?
Is it made of lemon juice?
Doorknob, ankle, cold
Now my song is getting thin,
I've run out of luck,
Time for me to retire now
And become a duck."
-The Llama Song
Monty Python
"We made love like a pair of black wizards!"
That one's from "The Party's Crasing Us" by Of Montreal. (by the way, I highly recommend looking into them).
i have been at school for 8 hours, cementing and unloading/loading lumber. Impressedd?
why do we have to doo Shakesssspeare. gak
Oh yeah? Well I'm only 10 hours away from 20, and I'm doing absolutely nothing about it! BEAT THAT SUCKAH.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, i have 242 hours and 15 minutes, and am doing a lot to get it up
highest prize is at 250 hours, but i'm gonna see how many i can get
you guys get hours for working on the play? lucky
I'm totally obsessed with googlefight right now.
lol. they still havn't decided. wow. tough case. we talked to this with COOCOOOOOOOOOOO!
my jazz teacher is gonna kill me. i cant transcribe! I can do like one minute of this solo and then it gets hard. so im gonna get an F on my playtest darn it
Haha Google Fight. That brings back memories...
cheese men, gaffers glue, book pen, hate you, goose hen, grass poo, gameboy rootbeer, script's too. new ten, desk true, water wren, and duck brew. alabaster quackaroo, blah blah blah blah blah blah bleu.
this actually required thought and the help of
Rhyme Zone
i have no idea why i wrote that
check out the results of
This HowStuffWorks survey
sorry, that didn't work, anyway, the question was which life phrase do u hate most ( out of 6 phrases) majority of people said it was "your call is important to us, please hold"
those that have a mind are doomed to hate it
-I just made that up
Should I write that H/W novel, Reichenbach, that has been in my head for forever, or should I write a YA novel called Upperclassmen Die Earlier?
Upperclassmen Die Earlier
best lava cakes ever
and kitty missed out
lol we still luv u
Happy Birthday Max
Kat, which novel is going to take longer? Do the shorter one for NaNoWriMo.
Also, try the one you're more passionate about.
My life has no meaning.
That will be all.
What'd'ya mean by that?
Oh, but it does, and you know that.
I was being a drama queen. ;) I was depressed about my horrendous writer's block.
. . .what, me, dramatic?
Happy peanuts soar over chocolate covered mountaintops and waterfalls of caramel. Prancing nougat in a meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the world.
-snickers commercial lyrics
This Yahoo! Answers page
I love how there are multiple little collective trains of thought, all independant and oblivious to and from one another here.
It's like, collective healthy schizophrenia. The blog has multiple personality disorder.
<.angry nerd>
<./angry nerd>
I got Firefox 2, only I would be excited about that, and... It has a spell check, that works when i type something in in the internet, like in this comment box.
Right now I'd die if laughter if you'd misspelled something.
And what's all this about freinvorce and freparation.
The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated.
- Oscar Wilde
i posted that because Oscar Wilde said it, and i know you like Oscar Wilde kat,
I got that of my Google personalized homepage
word verification: zixik
Of course, if one uses the wrong word, but spells it correctly...
::::scuttles back to the shadows::::
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