The Hall of Shame
Because I write down funny stuff.
"Raiders of the Lost Ark! Now, what did they raid?"
"The lost ark!"
". . .thank you?"
- Mr P and F period History.
"But Romeo hung out with Mercutio. That's got to redeem him a little bit."
"No. . .that just redeems Mercutio."
- Kat and Mr. EV
"Kat, why are you wearing a top hat?"
"With Kat, the question would really be: Kat, why aren't you wearing a top hat?"
-Olivia M. and Tina
"Kat. . .get some sleep. And by performance day, gather at least one wit."
"Mr. DlC wants you to LEAVE."
- Jae
"Can I hug your desk?"
- Emmett
"We have a special guest coming. . .yes. . .George Walker Bush is coming, and then we can hang him!. . .I didn't say that."
- Mr. EV
"Oedipus didn't die. . .he just poked his eyes out. . .but hey!. . .we've all done that. . ."
- Mr. EV. Again.
"It's just hard for me to do that without sucking."
- Alex W-T
"Aristotle spoke a whole book?"
"He was a pretty smart guy."
- Ryans R. and L., respectively.
After a post full of quotes, methinks quote of the day is rendered redundant. By the way, Miss Tina is stopping by, so keep yourselves decent, will you? BEHAVE.
Write at once if convenient, if inconvenient, write all the same,
I don't know, i think we could have used a quote of the day
All right FINE.
"Lend me a pen. . .BITCH."
- Gabe
yes, i really said that, it's called a joke
new quote of the day
Although auto owners have been driving around for decades with tankfuls of volatile, flammable gasoline in their cars, having 1,000 pounds of batteries behind their head gives some people pause.
This Howstuffworks article
Hey, Gabe, I just noticed that in the last post you made a comment saying "I know you like Oscar Wilde, Kat." Which reminded me of a movie my sister was watching the other day that had a character named "Oscar Wildecat."
I really needed to mention that. The movie was called "Queer Duck" if you're interested.
Hello out there! I'm lamentably uneducated in the world of blogging but Kat decided it was time for me to introduce myself to you all, so here I am. Apparently my mission is to educate you guys in things Holmesian.
Hello (tip's theoretical hat)
You don't really need to listen to me about the mission, Tina. . .no one around here listens to me anyway. . .
Although certain people among us whose names shall not be mentioned but who is GABE lack knowledge of WHO PROFESSOR MORIARTY IS.
I am making myself late for Concert Choir by making this comment. I hope you are all suitably grateful.
...why would we be grateful for a comment you made on your own blog?
What's Kraptastica?
Fark says this is the best commercial ever.
It's pretty funny, I must admit. And a fine soundtrack to boot.
Best commercial ever? I beg to differ.
Then here's a parody of the commercial.
The neighbors are throwing a loud techno dance party, so I can't sleep. Whee! OH EM GEEZ I havta start driver's ed tomorrow.
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Brace yourself, NaBloPoMo.
I guess it's more or less an easier alternative to NaNoWriMo: just make a blog posting every day in November. I guess you could even do it in addition to NaNoWriMo if you want.
I am hardcore. I'm doing NaNo this year, and I'm reaching 50K I DIE IN THE ATTEMPT, DO YOU HEAR!?
...wait, you're reaching 50k and you're gonna die?
whats NaNo, and whats 50k mean
note: i know 50k means 50,000 but 50000 what?
You know, there was totally supposed to be an "if" in there." :D As in, "I'm reaching 50k even if I die in the attempt." So proof that typos make no sense.
And NaNo is NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Click me for good times. 50k is the NaNo word quota. As in, you have to write at least 50k to qualify.
Hey, does NaNoWriMo have to start and end with local time? Like, can I start when Nov. 1 dawns on the world somewhere and end when Dec. 1 dawns somewhere else?
Wait, the farthest back we can go is only 2 hours behind Los Angeles time.
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Two hours...
Two hours of glorious freedom before maraton creativity.
Here's the schedule:
The eye of the storm.
whats NaBloPoMo, NaNoFiMo, The eye of the storm, FAWM, and NaNoEdMo
NaBloPoMo = National Blog Posting Month (a blog post every day for the entire month)
NaNoFiMo = National Novel Finishing Month (finish or revise your NaNoWriMo novel)
FAWM = February Album Writing Month (write and record a full, 14-song album in the month of February)
NaNoEdMo = National Novel Editing Month (edit your NaNoWriMo novel for 50 hours)
The eye of the storm is just the calm between NaNoFiMo and FAWM.
Okay, I already gave up on NaNoWriMo, but whatever.
R.I.P. Spencer's NaNoWriMo
582 Words (out of a required 50,000)
Omg did u guys know i wasnt officially on tech crew until today? my tech teacher invited me to join todayyy and no other freshment were :PPP
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