In Which It Becomes Really Quite Necessary To Ask The Question, "Oh God, What Are We Going To Do With Her?"
You know what I did yesterday, in celebration of my recent epiphany?
I went out and bought a miniskirt.
You know something else?
It looks damn good on me.
Jenny Cashwell was taking a bath. Jenny liked baths. They were an excellent excuse to lie around in hot liquid, eat exorbiant amounts of chocolate, and read. All of these were occupations that Jenny vigorously approved of. As Jenny lay in the now lukewarm water, a little voice in her head, which had bothered her to no end of late, said, "He dumped you." Jenny furrowed her brow, then said, in a way particularly reminiscent of the Jenny of yesteryear, "I dunno about that. I don't suppose 's necessary, or even true, to go around calling it that. And it won't change the situation, will it? Then again, 's not as if 's a particularly bad situation in the first place."
"That," said the voice in Jenny's head, "is part of your problem. Since you got up the nerve to call him and sound like an episode of 7th Heaven after you stopped nattering about chromatics - you've been entirely too satisfied with yourself."
"I know," replied Jenny, grinning like the Cheschire cat. "But really, there was no reason to get all upset about him. Anymore, I mean. That is, it's not as though he's got the - I dunno - vehemence to dump anyone. He's really just satisfied with sitting around pretending to be Sigmund Baccorat Freud the Second."
"Well, 's odd that you'd say all that, 'cos I distinctly remember your sounding as though you thought he was a complete scumbag on the phone."
Jenny splashed at the water. "'S going gray. I'll get out soon. What was that? - Oh. No, no, he's simply just innocent enough to be mistaken for a scumbag. Poor thing. Still, I'm sure there's a nice Jewish physcology student out there waiting for him. They can cross examine 'n' phsycoanalyze each other all night long over matzoh ball soup. 'S kind of charming, the way he is, I'm sure she'll say. I'm sure they'll hit it off. The twits," she added affectionately, as though she adored twits particularly, which she did, in her own Jenny-ish way.
"But you're in love with him. You've got to be unhappy."
"No I don't," said Jenny impertinently, and then added slowly, "but I'm not in love with him anymore. I suppose when I'll see him again I'll say. . .I'll say. . .'Well, Jake, I loved you very much. How's tricks?'"
"Wish I'd been that practical about the Christine business," said a certain masked persona from outside the bathroom door.
"Shut up, Erik. Pull your mask over your eyes and toss me my robe." Jenny rose happily from the bath as the Phantom of the Opera began his task. "Our plumbers cheated us with this bath, or my name's not Jenny Cashwell."
"Which brings me to an interesting point," remarked Erik. "Why keep the name? He gave it to you anyway, didn't he?"
"Stop with the italics. 'S not as though you're taking the Lord's name in vain. Such drahhhhmaaahhh. Then again, I suppose you can't help it, being an Andrew Lloyd Webber character. Sweeney never whines like that, and he's a Sondheim." She yanked her robe on. "About the name, though. . .I dunno. I like it. I use it. It's my name. I mean, I've made it my own, like. HSF happened to me, too.
"It's my movie too."
"That's the spirit, love," chortled a stout, maternal looking woman in a leather miniskirt, "men are pillocks, the lot of 'em," she added, nudging her man, a bald specimen who looked remarkably like Michael Cerveris. (That was because he sort of was.) The two of them, Mrs Lovett and Sweeney Todd (nee Benjamin Barker) were nestled at the computer. Todd was googling himself, and Mrs Lovett was laughing loudly at the whole business.
"I suppose they are," laughed Jennny, emerging in a long white bathrobe that hadn't been washed since kingdom came. "Anyone know where my clothes are?"
"You should never ask a roomful of men that," Mrs Lovett observed, but, relenting, added, "They're on the floor by the yellow armchair."
"Oh, yes," Jenny muttered, and began carrying the clothes into the closet, to dress. She emerged, clad in a fetching tuxedo except for her beat up old Seven jeans.
"Will you ever get rid of those?" Erik demanded.
"No," Jenny replied frankly. "I'll be an old lady in ripped, bleached, stained, low rise Seven jeans. And what's more, I shall be happy."
"'S a matter of taste," remarked a pirate with long braided hair, crawling out from under the bed. He bore a remarkable resemblance to Johnny Depp. "I myself prefer women in no clothes at all."
Mrs Lovett giggled, and Sweeney, speaking, or rather, grunting, for the first time, grunted disapprovingly.
"Eh," said Lovett. "As Toby once said to me, men ain't like women. They ain't like what you can trust. As I've lived and learned!"
Jenny snickered. "I dunno. I don't fancy myself terribly trustworthy either, and I was a woman last time I checked. Hey," she added, rummaging about in a drawer, "have any of you lot seen my J.G. mask?"
"I thought you were quitting," remarked Erik.
"She lied!" Observed Jack Sparrow, mock-horrified.
"Phantom," replied Jenny, with a sort of resigned happiness. "I s'pose I am, in the end."
"Here it is," said Todd shortly, handing her the slice of white mask.
Jenny slipped it on. It felt good, like comfortable old shoes. "You can only run away from yourself for so long, really. I never understood how fast and strong I was 'till I was after me. 'S funny."
She slid on her old Uggs, which wer comfortable, though odiferous, and sat down at the computer, shoving Todd off his chair.
"Phantom pie," he groused, but she merely rolled her eyes. The green glow of the screen turned her face a limey shade. Glory, glory, glory, muffins and insanity and RENT and friends, just a click away. She was, after all, the Phantom of the Junior High.
"All right, Lovett and gentlemen, let's got out there and make some trouble."
Quote of the Day
"Nothing can come from nothing. Blog again."
- King Lear. Sort of.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
You know what I just did in celebration of my return?
Ate a blueberry muffin from Gelsons. One of the minis.
I prefer the blueberry muffins at Souplantation. They're quite the delicious treat. But as for prepackaged...Gelsons is fine. Except for the chocolate ones. I had a bad encounter with a Gelsons chocoloate muffin once.
The Blog is back! Yay Kat!
So is Jenny your nanny person or another made up character?
Oh God, my sister just saw Mischa Barton at the St.Regis in Monarch Beach(Laguna) my sister is obsessed with her. And then we got into a debate over if Mischa or Idina had better cheeckbones. Wow
Kat can I interview you for world views since you are wiccan? thanks
Blueberry Muffins are so yummy at the 4 Seasons in hawaii. The buffet....oh my. Nice and warm....
In celebration of the blog being back, Mickey has a new avatar. Its Alex Cabot...not Stephanie march. Alex Cabot...the character. You musn't be confused between the two, because, well, Max knows.
Jenny = Fictionalized Kat.
I don't think Mr C. would accept that, 'cos I wasn't raised in that culture. You could ask.
Emkay. I mean you started in 5th or 6th grade? Hm. Yeah he might be mad because you are my friend. Yeah I'll ask.
Happy Tax day gang. How werer the interviews?
I love how I put a "Yeah" in front of every sentence. I just noticed that. Happy Easter!
The Buckley School International Thespian Society would like to invite you and your family to its presentation of Campus Moonlight Theatre. The evening will consist of five scenes performed by members of Buckley's own International Thespian Society and each will be presented several times at different locations around the campus. The scenes will include a selection from Richard III by William Shakespeare, Out of Gas on Lovers Leap by Mark St. Germain, I'm Herbert by Robert Anderson, Graceland by Ellen Byron, and Medea by Christopher Durang & Wendy Wasserstein. Scenes will be directed by Neil Nash and Steve Rollman and performed by:
Tyler Aboguv
Kasey Alfonso
Amanda Alvarez
Marli Gitelson
Rachel Kaplan
Stormie Leoni
Lauren Lewis
Alex Michaelson
Maribella Miller
Hannah Mitchell
Nils Montan
Karina Nahai
Abraham Parker
Zach Spound
Sasha Stillman
Alex Wagner-Trugman
The event will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Monday, April 17. If you have any questions, please email
We hope to see you there!
Kevin Berg
Club President
International Thespian Society
Steve Rollman
Club Advisor
International Thespian Society
Physics Classes Travel To Magic Mountain
Posted 4.13.06
Buckley physics students took a wild ride on April 12 as they traveled to Magic Mountain for a lab project on amusement park physics. More...
ITS Presents Campus Moonlight Theatre
Posted 4.11.06
On April 17, Buckley's International Thespian Society (ITS) will present the first annual Campus Moonlight Theatre. More...
Ya'll are coming.
what house?
Happy Easter Sunday
Tomorrow's Easter Monday, but only in Canada. And y'know what those Canadians are like...
Ok just kidding. I have the dumb therapist tomorrow at 8:00.
smoke, smoke, sign of the devil, sign of the devil, sign of the devil, city on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!
city on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-beggar woman, in sweeney todd
i am back without a vengeance
CITY ON FIIIREE. Shes not just a begger woman. It's Lucy!
euw. My dad's a sicco. he really is. but i got to call him and the therapist stupid for one whole hour. and i got to embarass my dad about his other ten million girlfriends that are all at least 10 years younger than he....and the emails i read from them...oh was so disgusting and disturbing
I love Raul Esparza....
one problem
DEFYING GRAVITY! BY THE SAME PERSON WHO SINGS IN TICK TICK BOOM AS THE MAIN GUY LEAD! WTF! i couldnt download it because I have a mac. Baldi i need to borrow you computer
Check out mah shiny new display name.
but....what happened to Elymas?
Bennn.....commeennnnttt. we miss youuuu
Off to staples.
It's national bicycle day today by the way...jeeeez.
Tomorow is :
National Love-A-Teen Day
National High Five Day
National "Get High Day"
April 20th: Hitler's Birthday, and "Green Day" (Which is secret code for smoke lots of pot day)
They have all those biographies on display in the library for people whose birthdays are in April, but they don't have Hitler's! What gives? He was an important man!
I thought of the best board game name: "Cranial Tedium"
I can't really pay attention to what I'm doing because I got some 'o them fancy new (yet budget-variety) noice cancelling headphones and I LOVE THE ARCTIC MONKEYS. I can't wait for my next plane ride so I can try 'em out in a real combat situation. :-)
"420" is the secret "Green" number, so April 20th is Green Day, and 4:20 PM is I guess Green Time. So all the potheads and hippies in the world have a lovely joint or two at 4:20 PM on April 20th. But being potheads, I can't imagine that they wait even that long.
I don't actually know how I know this much about 420.
It's called "Get High Day"
What are teh poetry topics for Mayer?
What do you people want to do after nature trail?
A)Watch Ask the Dust at Mickey's if Kat can remember to bring it to school..Ask the dust is also playing at the "Mann Beverly Center Cinema" .. but I'd laugh again and then everyone would think I am immature.
B)Mani,Pedi .. and Um I have an eyebow app. that I'll probably end up canceling...
C)V for Vendetta...It shows at 7:20 at the Galleria,ce Age II ... 7:00,Thank You for Smoking ... 7:15
D) Come over to my house and watch TiVo...or we could do the trail at the end of my street. I think my mom will let us go alone.
My head hurts
OC might not get canceled
I hate the OC
but I love it. hard to explain.
"Thank You For Smoking" is a great film. I highly recommend it.
And not just because the producer is my Hebrew school teacher's boyfriend.
I just saw Spinal Tap again.
Now I'm in a rock star mood. So I'll probably be parading around my house playing "Big Bottom" on the bass gee-tahr. Too bad my amp doesn't go to 11. :-(
Wait...I just realised that none of you know what I'm talking about (most likely).
Here's the deal: rent Spinal Tap and see it. If you don't understand it, then rent it again when you're older. If you do understand it, then you'll think it's funny, and rent it again when you're older.
Kitty go to my blogand look at my newest post. the PotJH needs that post...
I've never seen a hotter group of pictures of taye. AH!
He is sooo hottt
Someone asked..."So plastic surgery is not for you?
MH replies: 'It's so creepy. I love that I'm not 20 and gorgeous. I'm aging like a fine wine and showing young women, look at what you can grow into."
Why doesn't anyone post anymore?
I wrote my first poem!
Go to my blogee!
Oh emm gee musicgasm new Arctic Monkeys EP buying it now.
Hey...there's a new hotel opening up in Dubai that's in the Persian Gulf. Yeah, in the gulf. You drive out and down into a tunnel that leads inside, and all the suits have giant plastic windows that look out into the ocean. And you can rise to the surface for an artificial beach that's connected to the hotel. And don't worry about sunburn, as the hotel manufactures clouds. Coming December '06. I can't wait, I need to stay there at least sometime before I die.
Wow. That thing's going to drive Jules' Undersea Lodge out of business.
Kitty you missed out at the horeshow. Mr.E and Coach Milic were there. Oh yes and the poodles.
I hope you are better for the play!
yes,yes mr. e met the poodles
oh my god! shoshana bean's boyfriend just died in a car accident. poor thing. I mean that would be like Taye Diggs dying. and like...if Taye died...I'd never get over it.
Yeah, I reformatted like a demon (barber of high school.)
Hyuk hyuk hyuk.
Ah! My mother told the lady at Campbell Hall that I belong in Bio Honors next year! I told her not to...
And Theatere Tech! Gabe! Now I will know what you and Ben are talking about! Like at Disney Hall when yo usaid "Oh look at that cool light." HA !
Gabe are there any girls in theatre tech?
i didn't think so
Everyone's a critic. :)
Create your own movie review, the easy way!
yay SP is back! Tell Ben for me that I am in theatre tech next year. please. thanks. next year we can talk about cool lights and stuff! Oooooooo
Why thank you! Although I never went away (while admitting that the name change did throw me for a temporary loop); I'm just usually quiet here in the shadows. :)
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