Tuesday, April 05, 2005

And Now For Something Completely Different

Now for pointless comedy. Very, very, pointless comedy. You see, once upon a time I found a phic by Random Battlecry, and I laughed, causing all of the Beverly Hills Public Library to look at me strangely. Very, very, strangely. This phic had to do with, well, pointless comedy. Very, very, pointless comedy. Ok, I'll stop with the verys. But anyway, Random's phic has a lot to do with muffins. Muffins of all kinds, as a metaphor for life. Poppy seed, blueberry, all kinds. You see, Leroux!Erik has a book on the history of muffins, and Emmy!Christine is able to fit whole muffins into her mouths, don'tcha know.

So my mind naturally progressed to. . .How did Raoul propose?

Raoul: Christine. . .
Christine: Yes?
Raoul: (Gets on one knee) I have a very important question to ask you.
Christine: (Breathless joy)
Raoul: Christine. . .do you know the muffin man?
Christine: The MUFFIN MAN?
Erik: I am the muffin man!
Raoul: Er. What?
Christine: I like muffins. Wanna go to Jerry's Deli, Erik?
Erik: But of course, darling.
(They walk into the sunset, Raoul jumping up and down behind them, screaming, "What about meeee?")
Erika: Shut up, fool, it's an EC ending.
Ely and Kat: (Sob) It's just so beautiful. . .

Wait, that seemed funny at first. Eh. I acted it out about five times with Luke, and we were in stitches, I tell you, stitches. Fun. We were also a bit slaphappy at the time. The badoink monster was also born, then. What is the monster of badoink? That would be Kizzy, piggybacking on Luke, and them both waving their arms in unison and repeating over and over, in unison, "Badoink. Badoink. Badoink." This was fun until the badoink monster wanted food, and then I lost all my good bath towels. I'd rather not discuss this further. And they were nice towels, too.

Also. The dog. He's evil. I am here, informing you, that Obi the newfoundland puppy is evil. Got it? Great. As we speak, or rather, type, I have a painful bite mark on my ankle, a bite mark on my forearm, and a severe emotional bite mark in my soul, for this if the demonic puppy of doom.

And I got the soundtrack to the Phantom original London cast on my iPod. Can't tolerate bits of it, but I was refreshed by the things that were so lacking in the movie. For example, the second Notes scene. I love Christine's little outburst at Carlotta. I barely governed my absurd impulse to cheer. A muffin to anyone who figures out what quote that was. But my absolute favorite Erik moment has to be the All I Ask Of You Reprise. Always. Always. I went into hysterics during the aftermath of the All I Ask Of You Reprise, both when I saw the show and when I heard it on my iPod. Wasn't sure if I was laughing or crying. Cathartic experience. Erm, and I was maniacally laughing too. . .

Maniacal laughter. God, it's a great thing.

I reenacted the whole show in front of the mirror. Fun. . .obsession. Oddness. Joy.

You will curse the day
You did not do
All that the J.G.
Asked of you!

Which probably involved Phantom tickets.

I remain, gentleman, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 5/4/05 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun monster.Um, the Jerry's in the Vallly(w/the boling ally) or the Jerrys in Westwood. Also...The Muffin Man. And do ya want to be Ann Colter.

At 5/4/05 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and I both love and hate Obi. I think he is a cute dog (though I've never seen him) and he is named after one of the greatest Jedi ever. On the other hand he cost me Finding Neverland, and in accordance a large popcorn, big diet coke, and who knows what else. Maybe that dog even cost me a kiss.

At 5/4/05 11:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How dare you!

I'm not a fool!

You evil woman!
How dare you!

You think I'm blind?

This isn't my fault!
I don't want any
part in this plot!

Yes? Do I get the Muffin?

At 6/4/05 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want the muffin.

At 6/4/05 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll give you 48.29% of my muffin.

At 6/4/05 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and Jerry's in the Vally, definately. Jerry's insn't as fun though now that they've tried to emulate the Cheescake Factory. Which is odd because the menu is exactly the same.

At 6/4/05 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok i decided i hate and envy the dog

At 6/4/05 9:27 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Hush! We will give away our location *Furtive sneaking* Damn, this half mask doesn't cover enough of my face. . .

Not that quote, this quote: "I barely governed my absurd impulse to cheer." It's a blatant ripoff of Erik's line from a novel. . .

And I am giving the muffin to. . .er. . .um. . .

Whoever can guess who M. Reyer is. I have my money on Ben, but Max, you may pull ahead. . .

And Max's comment on the kiss has inspired (guess what) a strange blog entry. Keepeth an eye out.

At 6/4/05 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

M. Reyer is the repetiteur.

At 6/4/05 11:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there is some moreorless interesting story I'm issing here though. How does a dog steal a kiss.

More importantly, why is it always that the less I know the better?

At 7/4/05 1:53 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Ben, you have to read the original Leroux PotO novel. I mean, everyone does because I have declared it the Old Testament of the true Bible, with Susan Kay's Phantom and ALW's Phantom being the new testament but you specifically must read it because I think you have because you know about Reyer's position. . .hang on, there was a point to that sentence. Somewhere. Erm, more to the point, I couldn't go with Max to Finding Neverland because I had to take care of Obi, and Max resents this. He thinks I would have kissed him otherwise.


So, how 'bout them Yankees?

At 7/4/05 2:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not gonna askā„¢

No, I have not read the book, but I plan too. Max is too.

At 7/4/05 2:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, the fact that I haven't read the book, not a word of it you unerstand, does raise some questions, doesn't it?

It's fun being a Ghost. Kinda like being a Phantom, only Phantom is more European.

At 7/4/05 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, for the hattrick post...

You do of course mean

*How 'bout them Red Sox*

Right? (i value my life, that is I value it enough not to have it stolen and auctioned off on eBay by some die-hard sports fan)

At 7/4/05 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dog stole a date from me by being bought

At 7/4/05 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm desperately hoping this argument does not find its way into a debate club argument.

WAIT A SECOND! That's not my line! That's Kat's! Oh boy...

At 7/4/05 5:10 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

At some point we're going to end up debating the possible values of the Dog vs. Going to the Movies With Maxwell.

And I am a Phantom. Of the Junior High. So there. Ha.

At 8/4/05 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the dog has bit you and i never have.Also um...he's a dog and when was the last time i woke you up at the crack of dawn. never. i've never woken u up.

At 10/4/05 5:44 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Max, has Mac ever bitten me? Has Ben? Has Gabe? Has ANY GUY other than my brother at the age of four? Not biting a girl does not mean she will go out with you.

. . .

That sounded very strange.

Also, well, er, thank you for not waking me up at the crack of dawn, but tell me again when you've had the opportunity?

At 10/4/05 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

r u sure mac has never bitten you?

At 12/4/05 6:16 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Why. . .would Mac have bitten me?


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