Monday, April 04, 2005

Notebooks and Darogas and Baseball and Pens and Phic Squeeing, Oh My! Wait, That Wasn't Right. . .OAYe!

Notebooks. God, I love notebooks. I'm now watching a rather depressing movie that has Rachel McAdams in it. The Notebook. Not just a notebook, but the notebook. One wonders what it has ever done to deserve this title, as it's merely a tearjerker movie with far, far, far too many swans in it. And I'm ashamed to admit that it did jerk tears, despite the male lead's abombinable acting. (Pause to cry, then pause to wonder what OAYe means, as that was what Kat typed when she tried to type cry.)

Aha! I have an Idea! With a capital I. Oh yes. From this point forward, OAYe shall be a random exclamation of joy or suprise! So, OAYe! Erm. Right. Back to blog.

Ah, the joys of notebooks. I have a new one, which makes me happy. It has a black cover and a cuteified verson of my sister Kizzy drawn on the fifth page from the back. Within it is written much poetry, including a blatant rip off poem of the book "The Thief of Always," which I haven't read, I just stole the title and changed it to "The Guard of Always." The irony is that it's a good poem. Perchance it shall be posted. . plot, Kat, plot!

Darogas. That's in the subject line. What did I mean? Erm. Luke! I meant Luke! To anyone who doesn't know who I mean, I will provide this dubiously amusing crack that I've been longing to make for absolutely ages. Max, I'm sure you'll appreciate this.

Kat: (Pushes up black Darth Vader mask, coughing) Phantoms, fops, and chandeliers! I cannot breathe in this thing! Tina! (No one comes) Max! (No one comes) Ben! (No one comes) Carl? (No one comes) Damn, damn, damn! Erika, Ely!

Split Personalities: (Appear in fedora-shaped puff of smoke) Yes?

Kat: Get me a new Darth Vader mask! Kevin's will do, yes, Kevin's, the one he didn't wear when he dressed up as Vader for the sewer treasure hunt with Max. . .not you, Max, Maxwell Kane.

Various Strange Elementary School Children: Killer Kane, Killer Kane, had a kid who got no brain!

Kat: Now, after my "Freak the Mighty" moment is over, we shall proceed with the Joke. Aaaand. . .here it is!

Luke: (Unceremoniously appears) Er. Hi.

Kat: (Gets out absurd looking red lightsaber, hands him a blue one, as Erika tosses her a new mask and she puts it on) Luke, I am your sister!

Luke: Yes, I knooooooooow!

Kat: Oh, really? That's all right then.

Erika: Was that. . .the whole joke?

Kat: Yes.

Ok, my moment is over. Great. Er. Where were we? I'm Luke's sister. He's my brother. And today he played a brilliant baseball game. I shall now proceed to brag. (Deep breath.)


And basically that translates to my brother playing a good baseball game and me being happy. Yes indeed.

Pens. What did I want to write about pens? I forget. I do like the turqouisey ones, though. . .

Phic squeeing, now. I squee for Random-Battlecry's "Whose Lair Is It Anyway" on FFN, and her "Weak Willed Christine" on the same. And I shamelessly squee for my own "The Persian's Lament" and "Flicker." One is ridiculously sad, the other is just ridiculous. And I squee for a fic called "The Apologist," which Ben should read to gain an understanding of Nadir.

I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 4/4/05 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, the scary part is that I understood all of that stringy sentences. Have you ever heard of spaces. I know you take Latin but English blogs please. Also if why is there another Maxwell going on a Star Wars sewer hunt. I wanna come. And I would come to help you in the Vader mask although you would have to tell me it was you, because Vader is mean and I'm aproxamently 150-0 in lightsaber fights. (I own 4, greeen; green; blue; and purple.)

At 4/4/05 10:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also OAYe, thats almost as bad as ponderith, pondri, pondrare, pondatum. And, uh, umm..............................Oh yeah i remember. VILLARAIGOSA FOR MAYOR

At 5/4/05 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whose Lair Is It Anyway"? THAT I have to read.

The strange part here is that your posting made more sense than Max's two previous comments. And I think that's saying something.

Pens, I love pens. As far as I'm concerned, a UniBall Black Vision Elite is my best friend.

Max, you beat me on the draw on commenting. I assume that means you got Thinderbird to work, at least for blogs. Hmmm.

I actually scare myself by understanding this stuff. Hmmm.


At 5/4/05 8:46 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

O.o Sorry, don't usually use those smilie mabbobbers, but this just fits. . .see, from the correct spelling on the first comment I thought Max was Ben. Very, very, odd.

Whose Lair Is It Anyway is just HYSTERICAL. Go to and search for Whose Lair Is It Anyway on the Search tool (obviously) with Phantom of the Opera as a filter. I promise hysterics. That is, if you get it. If you don't, I can't help you.

At 5/4/05 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, respond to me too (bounces up and down excitidly) Please. (wags toung like puppy)

At 5/4/05 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say Max, when's your next blog posting?

At 6/4/05 10:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6/4/05 10:08 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Kat: Max, cease thy bouncing.
Ely: I think it's cute!
Erika: You would.
Kat: (Sings) Lalalalala...

Sorry, erm, I have to go marshal the SPs. (Split Personalities.)

At 7/4/05 12:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is cute

At 7/4/05 1:54 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

I'm not sure what I think. Erika and Ely keep changing my mind.

At 7/4/05 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok i like ely better than erica

At 7/4/05 5:11 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

EriKa. With a K!

At 8/4/05 1:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(wags toung like puppy)

Wags Toung? Oh dear...

At 7/5/05 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that's... *points vaguely at the screen* That's me! I'm in someone's blog! Bloody'ell!

Okay, so you told me that already. Allow me to be psyched anyway.
*is psyched*


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