The Demon Barber of Baker Street
Well, it's the musings of SOMEONE, anyway.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
And Then There Were None.
I give up. I give up. I give up. I give up.
It's over. I'm over. Kat is finished. The J.G. is finished. Ely is finished. Erika is finished. The unbecoming began a long time ago, and now the unbecoming is over. I have unbecame.
No more
Walking up six flights of stairs
Or throwing down the key
Because there is no buzzer.
No more
Walking over sleeping people
Before you get out the door of
Your own building.
No more.
- Jonathan Larson
I am so tired of being Kat. I'm simply exhausted. I don't have the energy to be me any longer. By me I mean the J.G., who in fact isn't me. Got it?
J.G. not Kat. J.G. not Kat. J.G. not Kat. J.G. =/= Kat. JG =/= K.
Everyone cares about the Phantom of the Junior High. Nobody cares about Kat. And that, I might add, is Kat's own fault. I have given you people everything. Everything I possess in the world. That isn't much. It amounts to a few song parodies, a sense of humor, and what I suppose could be construed as a heart. But it doesn't really matter. Don't worry about it, honestly. It's not your fault, it's mine. I have been very, very, stupid. Would I be very, very, stupid again? In a second. But I don't have that chance. I gave you everything because I wanted to.
I'm sorry, but I don't want to anymore. I don't have anything more to give.
Don't worry about me. That's the last order the J.G. is giving the PotJHers. Don't worry about me. The Phantom of the Junior High is over.
I should probably leave you as I came, as the J.G.. So here's what the J.G. would say, if I were her.
"Adios, amigos. Buena suerte. Don't take any wooden nickels, kid. It's a good life. Please remember, everything happens for the best."
Quote of the Day
After a battle lasting many ages
The devil won.
And the devil asked God,
"Lord, is there anything you wish to keep?
Any precious thing?"
The Lord thought for a long time.
Finally he said, "No."
The devil was surprised.
"Not even you, Lord?"
And God said, "No."
"Not even me."
- Clive Barker.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Something A Bit Off-Putting, But Fairly Par For The Course With Kat
Hey, guys. This is a rather unorthodox announcement, so be prepared for having your own personal OMGWTFBBQ moment. If you don't, then I'm more conceited than I thought. Haha.
Basically, I would like you all to pretend I don't exist. I really just don't have the energy or the drive at this point to be the familiar, nutty, bouncy, foul-mouthed Kat you're all acquainted with. I am frankly, at this point, miserable, and if I start being Kat at this point, well, I'll make you all miserable, and I like you too much to make you all miserable.
(If you would like to become miserable without my help, there is a fairly easy way to do so. It is called Les Miserables and it is a book that is about fifty gajillizillion pages long. Seriously. My copy is hardcover and I could use it as a lethal weapon if I wanted, so I should probably need a license to carry it around. I suggest paperback.)
So basically, whatever you guys may assume - and I mean, whatever, it isn't you, and it isn't any fault of yours. I'm just miserable and I need some time to work it out. This doesn't necessarily mean that the blog will be on hiatus, because our anniversary is coming up, so something will need to be done then, but it does mean that Kat will be sort of on hiatus.
Think of it as me taking a vacation from being me.
Also, because I can. . .poetry. Methinks you guys will be getting lots more poetry in the near future. Enjoy. Or don't.
I dreamed and I dreamed and
d r e a m e d
And I breathed rich landscapes
Inside my exhalations, where I heard the escapades of Eve
And animals fantastic, newly made and squalling
For first flesh, flamenco dancers swaying, wailing gently
In the watermelon wind that smells of chocolate
And heavy spice.
An old woman eats strawberries in the corner and
b r e a t h e s
And air flutters like a hankerchief, silken, flowing
I dreamed and I dreamed and
d r e a m e d
And I breathed carnivals
And funfairs, fanfares, glowing trumpet-sounds
The tase of cotton candy, freak shows. . .
Freaks! Fish who tapdance, tapdancers who fish
Men with five legs, playing hearts against a creature with two mouths
Who opens them and
b r e a t h e s
And breathes and breathes again and
d r e a m s
That he is Lord-God
Omnipotent and all controlling
And he laughs in his sleep
As I laugh in mine
And he turns over, and smiles and
b r e a t h e s
Quote of the Day
"I've always made whatever candy I felt like, and now I feel terrible. . .so the candy's terrible! . . . You're very good."
- Depp!Wonka.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Sunday, March 19, 2006
A Post To Be Blamed Entirely On Spencer. Because I Can.
I have been nicknamed SiSi. Not sure what I think of this development. It comes from my name on many PotO boards, SimplySidhe.
The PHAAAAN-tom of the OpERa. . .I am quite bored. Shall we roleplay?
Why not. Let us roleplay.
<.roleplay.>Kat moved into the blank walled comment room, wearing a fedora and a tuxedo, because she can do that kind of thing in cyberspace. "Hello," Kat said to the wall. This did not have any effect, so Kat lay down on the ground and waited for the commenting to begin.<./roleplay.>
And so it begins. . .
Quote of the Day
"Are you suggesting that loupes are migratory?"
- The wonderful people on, being snarky about loupe-de-sang.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Mel Brooks 'n' More.
Now that I have your attention. . .
Come. See. Kat's. Show. Or. Be. Punjabbed.
Kat is serious. The show is this Saturday at four o'clock. It'll last until 5:30 or so. And I command you all to come. It's at the Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga. This is a direct order. If it rains (and it better not) I will provide you with further information. (And if it rains, Mr. Host, you should come to wherever we perform instead of DL. Cherryade or no cherryade, you are one of the only people on the planet who can actually tell me if I'm any good in shows without feeding me pointless BS.) (Whee, acronyms.)
In other news. . .In honor of Kat's rediscovery of her sense of humor, we present the PotJH production of "Keep it Gay," from The Producers. (Kat's overdosed on The Producers.)
Listen, Spencer, did you get a chance yet to read the latest blog posting?
Read it? As soon as it was published! I for one, for instance, never realized that Kat could be so angsty.
Yeah, how 'bout that? Kat, are you going to change it?
Change it? Of course not.
The J.G.'s so obsessed
With dramas so depressed
We've got to cheer her up again someway.
Blogs should be more pretty
Blogs should be more witty
Blogs should be more...
What's the word?
No matter what madness is wrote in this place
Keep it light, keep it bright, keep it gay!
Whether it's Shakespeare, or the Phantom's face
Don't complain, it's a pain
Keep it gay!
People want in-jokes when they read a blog
The last thing they're after's an angsty long slog
A little fanfic will pep up your post. . .
The Phantom's real cool
If he punjabs Raoul,
Keep it gay!
Keep it gay!
Keep it gay!
Couldn't agree with you more. And you have our blessings, Kathlyn, to make the Phantom of the Junior High just as gay as anyone could possibly want.
So, c'mon, do it for us, please.
No, sorry, Max, but it's simply not my cup of tea. Still, fair is fair, perhaps I should ask my production team what they think.
This is my set designer, Javert of Les Miz.
Keep it glad, keep it mad, keep it gay!
And here's my costume designer, Angel.
Keep it happy, keep it snappy, keep it gay!
We're clever, creative
It's our job to see
That ev'rything's perfect to ev'ry degree!
Next, Douglas Adams, my endangered species protector. . .
Hi there...
And, ah, finally, last and least, my lighting designer, the Phantom of the Opera!
Keep it gay, keep it gay, keep it gay.
I don't think we're getting to her, Ben. What do we do now?
Watch this. Kathlyn, listen. I think that brightening the blog would be a marvelous opportunity for you. I mean, up to now,
you've always been associated with - dare I say it - frivolous tragedies.
That doesn't make any sense at all.
But Ben's right. I've often felt as though I've been throwing my life away on depressing little existential angstiness. Trying to be a Hot Box showgirl in a gooey gown. Two-three-kick-turn! Turn-turn-kick-turn!
(My Theatricum Director.)
Oh, Kathlyn.
It's enough to make you heave. Nonetheless, sorry, Max. I just couldn't brighten up the blog.
Why not? Think of the in-jokes.
Think of the fanfiction.
No, no, no.
Think of. . .the MUFFINS!
Muffins. . .muffins. . .muffins!
What's the matter?
Is she all right?
She's having a stroke...
...of genius!
I see it! I see it! At last. The chance to do something important!
Disgruntled Kitty presents comedy!
Of course my entire life would have to be rewritten. She can't stand her family? Excuse me. It's too downbeat.
But maybe. . .it's a wild idea, but it just might work. . .
I see a line of maddened POTJHers
Dressed as Bohemian folks, each one a gem
With yummy baked goods and great spring break trips
It's risque, dare I say, LA VIE BOHEME!!
Love it!
I see Phantom characters dancing through France
Played by Hugh Panaro (in very tight pants)
And wait, there's more - Kat plays small parts no more!
And the dances she'll do will be daring and new
Turn-turn-kick-turn, turn-turn-kick-turn
Keep it sassy, keep it classy, keep it...
That is brilliant. Brilliant! Kathlyn, I speak for the POTJHers and myself when I say that you are the only man -
Woman. . .
. . .Oh, really? The only woman in the world who can do justice to the brightening of the blog. Will you do it, please?
Wait a minute. This is a very big decision. It might effect the course of my entire life.
I shall have to think about it. . .
(Jeopardy music.)
I'll do it. I'll do it!
And now, non alcoholic champagne!
If at the end you want them to cheer
Keep it gay, keep it gay, keep it gay
Whether we're creeping out Mr. M., or thinking he's queer
Keep it gay, keep it gay, keep it gay
Randomness is joyous, a constant delight
Teen angst annoys us. . .
. . .and ruins our night.
So keep your cherryade and family at bay
Keep it light
Keep it bright
Keep it gay!!
And just in case you didn't hear me, my loves. . .
Come. See. Kat's. Show. Or. Be. Punjabbed.
Kat is serious. The show is this Saturday at four o'clock. It'll last until 5:30 or so. And I command you all to come. It's at the Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga. This is a direct order. If it rains (and it better not) I will provide you with further information. (And if it rains, Mr. Host, you should come to wherever we perform instead of DL. Cherryade or no cherryade, you are one of the only people on the planet who can actually tell me if I'm any good in shows without feeding me pointless BS.) (Whee, acronyms.)
So anyway, something weird happened today.
Kat: (Wakes up much too late.)
Someone Unexpected: (Calls Kat.) (NB It's not who you think it is. Unexpected to allof you. If it was exected to one of you, I'd call them someone expected.)
Kat: 0.O ROMAN?
Roman: (Kid from Theatricum.) Kat, I need a home for an iguana. . .
Kat: (Hangs up.) It's too early for iguanas.
It: (Isn't too early.)
Kat: Ho hum. I am bored. (Walks downstairs. Does a double take.)
(Sitting on the kitchen counter is a fish tank. With fish in it. Instead of, you know, like, iguanas. By the fish tank is a note from Aunt Shirley, saying, "There are other fish in the sea.")
Kat: O.0 WTF?
Time: (Goes by.)
So I have fish now, given to me by my Aunt. The two goldfish are named Rogers and Hammerstein, the silver fish with red fins is Mr. Sweeney Todd, the silver fish with silver fins is Sondheim, the minnow is named Rabbit, and the blowfish who likes to hide out in the coral and thinks he's too good for everyone I have decided to call Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Quote of the Day
"If the water's happy, you're doing something wrong."
- Gabe. See, I used it.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Monday, March 13, 2006
It's A Drug, I Tell You
I just got 404'd from my own blog. Hahaha.
David: Buh. . .whu. . .eh. . .whubba. . .
Gabe: Didn't she say she was going on hiatus?
Ben: A hiatus that lasted. . .(glances at watch). . .thirteen hours and ten minutes, if I'm not mistaken.
Mickey: What?
Kat: Yeah, blogging is a bit like heroin.
Gabe: (Confused.) Heroine? (Pulls picture of Amelia Earhart out of nowhere.)
Kat: No, Toby, heroin. (Pulls picture of Harry Nilsson out of nowhere.)
David: (Rimshot noise.) Bad joke.
Ben and SP: OMG Harry Nilsson. (Don't ask. Well, do ask, just not here.)
Kat: At least I'm trying. I don't have a lot of comedy material right now.
Max: Try snarking badfic.
Kat: Let's not.
(There is a short silence.)
Ben: So, anything out of the ordinary happen lately?
Mickey: Well, Kat thought she was dead, and then we almost burned the house down, and then Max and I thought maybe that she'd be interesting in. . .
Max: I was just sitting there and then Kat mentioned Bambi and I grabbed my Diet Coke and then Mr. B. told us to shut up and then I said. . .
David: Well, I was looking at this picture of Micheal Cerveris and then I got really scared and then we were watching a movie during Anthro that was actually half decent. . .
Kat: I thought I might be dead.
Ben: . . .What?
Kat: Think about it, people. What if I'm dead and nobody told me?
Gabe: You would be an exception to the laws of biology.
Kat: I'm already an exception to the laws of logic.
David: Well, not really. . .but you act like it, and you like to think you are.
Kat: I think I'm dead. I'm serious. I think I died a long time ago and nobody told me. That's why I'm still up and about.
Ben: Logic? What logic?
Mickey: Where's Spencer?
Ben: Dunno. Playing water basketball? Or was it Alaskan baseball that he was in charge of?
Kat: Alaskan baseball.
Mickey: Whatever. I'ma go get him.
Max: Why?
Kat: Because he's the only one of you people who's actually not at the center of all of this. . .intrigue.
Mickey: You know what this reminds me of?
Kat: What?
Mickey: The scene in RENT, when they're at the graveyard, and. . .
Ben: They're all scenes from RENT, aren't they?
Kat: No, by that logic I would be dating a lawyer named Joanne right now. . .
Ben: And I would be an angsty film maker obsessed with art who is charmingly Leo Bloom-esque. . .hey, wait -
Mickey: Seriously!
Kat: Oh, shut up!
Mickey: It's the scene at the graveyard. . .
Kat: Honey, it is not. I'm not a Latina, David isn't a drag queen (usually) and Ben can't play the guitar. Wait. . .can you?
Ben: No.
Kat: Okay then. It's not.
Mickey: Regardless.
Max: You are writing this. Your choice.
Kat: As far as Spencer is concerned? Yo no creo.
Spencer: Angel helped us believe in love. I can't believe you disagree. . .
David: Does he even know RENT?
Gabe: It would seem he does now. . .
David: You sound like Ben again, Gabe. . .why does that keep happening?
Kat: Dunno.
Ben: Don't look at me.
Well, that's normal again.
You put me back, back in business,
This ain't no hit or miss, I'm gonna get my way.
'Cause you put me back, back in business,
You're my first witness, and I'm here to stay.
And if you know who wrote that. . .
. . .you're probably Ben. . .in which case things are really back to normal. On the blog, anyway.
The bottom line is, the blog is back to normal.
Kat isn't.
You win some, you lose some.
From now on, the angst goes on the LJ. The name is simplysidhe, swing by if you want to feel depressed.
Quote of the Day
"We are not listening to RENT!"
- Character Building Assembly. You should have seen the look on our faces.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
An Official Announcement
The Phantom of the Junior High is going on hiatus. I who have always been unbecoming am becoming un.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Sunday, March 12, 2006
In Which Kat Expresses Her Feelings With Penguins And Dick Van Dyke And Micheal Cerveris And Assorted Other Assortments
(A troop of penguins from Mary Poppins burst in. You know, the animated ones that Dick Van Dyke dances with.)
Gabe: Wha?
David: Eh?
Mickey: WTF?
Kat: Ha.
(Micheal Cerveris appears.)
Micheal Cerveris: (Singing.) And though I'll think of you, I guess, until the day I die, I find I miss you less and less as every day goes by Johaaaaaanaaaa. . .And in that darkness when I'm blind with what I can't forget, it's always morning in my mind, my little lamb, my pet, Johaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaa. . .
David: OMG Micheal Cerveris.
Spencer: Who's Micheal Cerveris?
Gabe: Sweeney Todd.
Max: Eeeep!
Kat: Calmate!
David: Dear me.
Kat: Indeed.
All: Hmmmmmmmm.
(There is a brief silence. Suddenly, there is a voice.)
Sudden Voice: Shouldn't something happen now?
Kat: No, no, not really.
Sudden Voice: Why am I called the sudden voice? I don't seem very sudden to me at all.
Gabe: Well, being that you spoke rather quickly. . .
Sudden Voice: That doesn't sound like something Gabe would say.
Kat: How do you know that? You just showed up a minute ago.
David: Aha! I have it!
Spencer: No, I have it!
Both: We have it!
(Ben appears out of thin air.)
Ben: Yes, the Sudden Voice would have been me. . .
Max: What are you doing here?
David: Nothing against you, of course, but I took it that relations between you and Kat were rather strained at the moment.
(Kat is sitting on an iron park bench that has spontaneously appeared, by a river that has likewise spontaneously appeared. She is blankly watching the penguins, who are dancing. Occasionally, she throws rocks into the river. Micheal Cerveris starts dancing with the penguins. Kat looks mildly alarmed, then depressed again.)
Ben: I was about to take it as well, but I suppose if I took it I would allow her to become totally stereotypical.
David: She's sitting on a park bench throwing rocks in the water. And you think it gets more stereotypical?
Ben: Think of it this way. She could be quoting Sex and the City.
David: She did. Two blog posts ago.
Ben: What? When?
David: It was the Quote of the Day.
Ben: How do you know that?
David: . . .I don't watch Sex and the City. Really.
Gabe: Hmmm.
David: WHAT?
And the moral of the story is:
Even a breakup is funny if you add penguins and Micheal Cerveris.
No, not really.
If anyone needs me, I'm at the proverbial park bench throwing rocks in the water, watching the proverbial penguins. (That's a great name for a band.)
Quote of the Day
"Music makes one feel so romantic - at least it always gets on one's nerves - which is the same thing nowadays."
- Oscar Wilde.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Saturday, March 11, 2006
WARNING: Angsty Kat Ahead.
The mornings are the hardest, really. Or no, perhaps it's the evenings that are the hardest. I'm not sure. But in the morning I can't get out of bed. I lie there and I hold Zimmer, the demented teddy bear from Nightmare Before Christmas (I should throw Zimmer away, shouldn't I, or something) and I breathe. I breathe. And I know that when I get out of bed, no matter what I imagine now, in bed, I'll get out and check my email and nothing will have changed. HSF is over. So I can barely get out of bed. I only managed this morning at eleven o' clock because my sister came in in my red dress and I needed to get it back from her.
The daytimes aren't so hard. You can shut up and suck it up, I guess. There isn't anything else to do. So I go to rehearsal, and I act, and I sing, and I dance, and I repeat Shakespeare over and over, and I start crying whenever the Hamlet and Ophelia scene comes on. "I did love you once," says Megan, our Hamlet. She makes a very convincing boy.
"Indeed my lord, you made me believe so," replies Sarah, our Ophelia. Poor girl, her boyfriend dumped her too, last Thursday.
"This was sometime a paradox, and now time proves it truth. I loved you not."
"I was the more decieved."
I shiver because it's cold at out outdoor theatre. We all warm out hands at the outdoor heater, tall and threatening like some strange species of metal tree. I change out back and the cold air pricks everywhere. I joke and laugh like a robot. Nothing is the same anymore. I'm still an actress, though.
No, I would have to say that the evenings are the hardest. Its then, you see, that I come home and find that the rest of the world keeps ticking just like it did before. The view from my street is still beautiful. (I'll never be able to look at it again. Why did he have to be so nice?) People are still laughing. I don't think Mickey even knows yet. I don't know what she'll do when she finds out.
Afternoons at school are hard too. I sit there in my chair, and sometimes I write letters, long letters, that I never send. They're full of anger and indictments. Sometimes obscenity. I don't know who to blame. Sometimes I blame me. I wrote myself a letter that told me what an idiot I was. And then, inevitably, someone makes a magician joke.
"Hey, Kat, did the magic go out of the relationship?"
"Hey, Kathlyn, did your boyfriend do a disappearing act?"
"Hey Kat, did your exboyfriend ever pull the the rabbit out of the hat?"
Well, that is most certainly it for me and stage magic. No more card tricks. No more rope tricks. No more colored scarves, disappearing doves, blenders of DEATH, top hats, handcuffs, French drops, palmed coins, misdirection, player pianos, rabbits out of hats, lovely assistants, women sawed in half - NONE OF IT. No more magic. I may even swear off Harry Potter.
I started calling Luke Ben again.
Friday, March 10, 2006
WARNING: Ranting Frustrated Kat Ahead
We are going to make a documentary.
Or maybe we are going to put on The Producers.
Or maybe we are going to write an epic poem.
Or maybe we are going to start an accounting business.
No, no accounting.
But we are doing something, goddamnit, because the J.G. can't take it anymore! Idly idly idly waiting at phones and doing assorted other idiotic pointless things with cherryade that tastes like something from a chemical factory, and trying to find saxophones where there aren't any. . .
Let's do something. Let's run away to Rrrrrio, as Max Bialystock would say. Let's kidnap the chorus girls and terrify the ballet mistresses. Let's take a day off and pretend to be R.P. McMurphy, the sausage king of Chicago. Let's climb a mountain with Gabe. Let's all learn to tapdance. Let's all scream at the top of our voices and go skydiving. LET'S DO SOMETHING!
The Phantom of the Junior High is officially back.
Quote of the Day
"I once was broken up with by a guy's doorman. 'I'm sorry Ms. Hobbes, Jonathan won't be coming down. Ever.'"
- A Source Kat is too Embarrased to Reaveal. (No, it's not Kat.)
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Monday, March 06, 2006
And The Oscar Goes Too. . .
Wait, what?!
Of course, it always happens. Every time. The one person you don't expect (DAMN YOU HILARY SWANK!) wins the day. It even happened at the Tonys, Spamalot and Avenue Q. . .which beat Wicked. I mean, everybody knew it was going to be Brokeback Mountain. Everybody was sure. And yet. . .again the underdog succeeds.
How weird.
Oh, and anyone who associates with Max will be promptly excommunicated.
This has been a Phantom Service Announcement. Thank you.
And mourn. Mourn. MOURN! MOURN, I SAY!
Gabe: What do we owe this mourning to?
Julian: I think it was because the sun rose.
David: No, no, no, MOURNING. With a U.
Julian: Ohhh. . .
Cry, cry, mourn, my minions.
Quote of the Day
"It's not Rent! Nobody's homeless, nobody's gay, and nobody has AIDS!"
- Ben
Quote of the Century
"So she's a slut."
"She's not a slut, she's just. . .European."
- David and Mac
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The Producers, Opening Night, and Shakahspeeere.

Heh, heh, heh. Don't Nathan and Matthew look cute?
Leo Bloom might be God.
Actually, that would bode really ill for the world.
But just imagine if Max was God. Or Ulla. She'd paint everyone white.
Opening night! Opening night! It's opening niiiight! It's Max Bialystock's latest show, will it flop or will it go? (Ahem.)
The Producers aside, tonight was the opening night of my show, five o'clock sharp. (I know, I know, why didn't I tell you. . .the truth is I'm more languid and I-don't-want-to-get-out-of-bed-I-hate-life these days than usual.) It was only for natives of the area, so you guys couldn't have come. What we usually do is two shows for natives of the area, two shows for y'all. Only one show each this time, I'm afraid. Ah well.
But aside from the major Producers withdrawal that I'm going through - don't laugh. I said don't laugh. I seriously need my daily dose of Matthew Broderick. (I am way fonder of him than can possibly be healthy.) Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick are God. Seriously. And I need the Producers. Badly.
So yes. Opening night. Squee for us.
It went fairly well. My Portia monolouge was such a rush, not to mention Mercutio. Damn, that was fun. And the play I wrote, a sendup of Brokeback Mountain called Brokeback Mafia, was fairly well recieved. Squee.
That will be all.
Quote of the Day
"A secretary that doesn't speak English? But Max, what will people say?"
"They'll say bowowoowowoaw!"
- The Producers. Good stuff, Nathan.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
In Which Tamara Isn't, Ely Mopes, David Is Vigorously On The Scene, And Depression Ensues Generally.
Befuddled. That is an excellent way to describe how the J.G. is feeling about life right now. I am distinctly befuddled. I'm not sure exactly where I stand on anything at all (not even cherryade) and frankly, I think my family are going to be the death of me. Tonight at dinner, Luke did not stop shouting - yelling - oh, let's just pull out the strongly connotated words - screaming, and turning his face red the whole meal. He just lets loose with these fits, and no one knows what to say or do. My parents certainly don't. My dad just sort of sits there and occasionally says something vague and threatening, and then goes all Brando and broodish on us. Gak. Gak. Gak.
We must, however, thank God in heaven that I do not have a Tamara, like Mickey. I mean, dear God, she listened in on an entire telephone conversation. With Max, Mickey, and I. (There goes her belief that I'm not not bi. Meh.) And fought with Mickey the whole car ride about absolutely everything. Anywho. . .
(Throws things.)
Sorry. Frustrated.
Where were we?
(Throws more things, including a rubber duck at David.)
I'm tired of this.
Ely: I'm depressed.
Erika: You're depressed? That's my thing. . .
Ely: I'm depressed.
David: YOU SUCK!
Kat, Erika, and Ely: We knowwww. . .
Kat: You don't need to rub it in.
David: Whatever. . .
Ely: (Mopes.)
Kat: Oy.
All: . . .
Quote of the Day
"Kaathlyyn, you wanna blawg?"
- Mickey. Hey, I think it's funny. You had to be there.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,