Monday, November 27, 2006



The best part is that my 50000th word was "flamboyant."



At 28/11/06 7:46 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

post the last sentence please

I bet it is:

"Holmes had solved the mystery, got a girlfriend, and learned previously unknown Haitian voodoo rituals, and so was very flamboyant."

I don't hate Haitian voodoo, but it was posted that watson was doing it.

At 28/11/06 9:44 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

I don't think Holmes is getting any girlfriends in this story...

But I think that merrits a big CONGRATULATIONS!

And you've got all of CWC tomorrow to brag about it!

At 28/11/06 10:08 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

oh yeah, Holmes is gay, i forgot

(please don't kill me for forgetting this)

At 29/11/06 3:40 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...


But I couldn't be at CWC because of Masterpiece Matinee rehearsals, which made me a sad panda, but I digress.

At 29/11/06 4:30 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

We had the smallest meeting ever today.

There were like, four people, but a few showed up in the last 10 minutes.

At 30/11/06 9:35 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

Being the nerd that I am, i wrote a program to calculate pi, it's calculating right now!!!!!!!!!!!

How to hurt yourself whilst programming: when your program works, jump for joy and land on a leg of your desk chair, it hurts

this just happened to me

At 1/12/06 8:52 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

All the digits?

And how?

I mean, I guess you could just write a program that displays pi...

At 1/12/06 11:35 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

<.nerd talk>

I could write a program that displays pi, but there would be no challenge.

The formula is in the AP java book, it is: 4 - (4/3)+(4/5)-(4/7)+(4/9)-(4/11) and so on and so on and so on. The hard part is making the loop to do this

<./nerd talk>

At 1/12/06 11:41 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Oh, okay.

Uhh, in regular Java, we just learned how to use the Math class...

At 2/12/06 12:53 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Speaking of Java -


At 2/12/06 2:39 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

I am in regular java, i wanted a challenge though, so i looked in the AP book. I knew how to use loops from a little bit of C i learned

whats OT3

At 2/12/06 2:46 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

One True Threesome.

At 3/12/06 2:13 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

The thing is, I can honestly picture them taking a photo together or something, with java being a giant, red, anthrorpamorphic "J" or something.

EXTREMELY URGENT PLEASE HELP! I'm compiling a compendium of study music suggestions (what with finals approaching and such) to attach to my Spanish study guide for distribution amongst whoever wants it.

If you've got a playlist, I'd like to know it.

At 3/12/06 6:42 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

I'd picture java as being about 5'2" and orange, still the giant J though

At 3/12/06 6:43 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

note, java was 5 feet 2 inches

At 3/12/06 7:10 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Only 5'2''? I kinda pictured more of a 5'7''-ish

At 3/12/06 7:12 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Oh! And maybe those oversized gloves and shoes that Micky Mouse wears, and the general strut of an early-30s Disney cartoon.

If Disney's reading this, they could have a lovable character on their hands! Imagine the children coming up to hug Java Incarnate.

At 3/12/06 7:59 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

I can totally picture that, Spencer. I, demonic seamstress that I am, will make a Java Incarnate costume if you'll wear it.


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