I Have A Dream
I had a very strange dream a few nights ago. This dream involved werewolves, unsurprising considering I was reading "The Wereling," which is a terrible book that I will hit you in a shin with Max's baseball bat very hard if you read. It is unoriginal, boring, badly written, predictably plotted, etc., etc., etc..
In this dream there was a conspiracy of werewolves for world domination. As logically follows, they were beginning at my Junior High School, which, just for the hell of it, I am calling Garnier Junior High. (Find the reference, get a muffin, same old prize.) Why they chose to begin here, Erik knows, but they did. Live with it.
So. Here I am in art class, when I come to the realization that (a) I don't take an art class and (b) Mrs. S doesn't teach art, she teaches English. That was when I realized something was off. Naturally, I came to the realization that they were all werewolves. So I ran out of the classroom to find Max, who might know what was going on.
On the way out, I saw my cousin's boat sitting in the harbor next to the library, with the flag of the Jester family atop it.
Erika: We don't have cousins named the Jesters, they don't have a boat, and they don't fly a flag. Also, why is there a harbor at school?
Ely: What she said, only perkier with squealing involved.
Ahem! As I was saying! My cousins worked as clowns, for some reason, and one of them was a baton with a jester hat on it. Why I am related to a baton has yet to be determined. There is no family resemblance. So I see them and I wave, and then move on to find Max.
I found him sitting on a bench, apparently cutting class. He has a notebook in his hand, and appeared to be drawing up a political agenda. This would have been okay, except he was fanged and slavering, a little like a werewolf. He, in fact, was a werewolf. Not good. Ben was sitting next to him, and was, as we can only expect from Ben, designing a logo for the werewolf conspiracy.
Instead of just attacking me like proper werewolves, they decided to talk very rationally to me. Now, since Ben has more sense than Max and I put together, except for when he starts in on the maniacal laughter, I was thinking about joining them. Then I saw the Diet Coke bottle sitting by Max, came to the completely irrational conclusion that Ben had been brainwashed with a bottle of Diet Coke, and ran away screaming.
Mrs. S burst from around a corner, slavering, as a werewolf, and began to chase me. I ran. She chased. Ben and Max got up to help her. Max wouldn't drop the political agenda or Diet Coke, though, and that gave me an advantage. I jumped onto the Jester family boat, and attempted to convince them that the werewolves were evil. They - er - didn't listen, and the baton one went over to the other side. I, shreiking, was dragged off the boat. It is hard to be Kat.
I actually forget how it all ended, because then I woke up, only to have another dream. I was in a dark room in the dream. This is quite ordinary for me. I often dream of dark rooms. Then Micheal Crawford walked in. This is where I should have realized I was dreaming, because I did not (a) attack him in a fit of fangirlyness (b) attempted to steal the fedora that he was, of course, wearing, or (c) squeal and faint. But I didn't.
"'Twas brillig," said Micheal Crawford, "and the slithy toves, did gyre and gimble in the wabe, all mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome raths outgrabe."
"What?!?" I spluttered, dropping a lemon that I had not been holding until then and was now holding for, I suppose, the purpose of having something to drop.
"It 'TWAS brillig! The slithy toves did -"
"But what do you mean?"
"I've no idea. I'm merely a fig of your imagination."
"A fig?" I asked, blanching. I hate figs passionately. Especially the mozzarella stuffed sort.
"Yes." Micheal said, an echo effect began, and he disappeared in a swirl of color.
I went back to the notebook, and wrote a poem that topped Poe for literary devices and Dickonson for eloquence. When I woke up, I'd completely forgotten it. So I wrote another one and said it was that one.
I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,
Eh, yeah, um, right. You told me about this at lunch as I recal.
Mme Garnier? (i never got my muffin from before you know, or the PotO plushies)
If I was spitefull and insufferable, which I hope I am not, I could post that thing Max keeps posting anonymously and frame Max.
But why would I do that...
(manaical laughter)
Of couse now Max will do it agin and frame me. Darn it!
Trust me, if they start making PotO plushies, you will be the first to get one.
I don't recall telling you guys the Micheal Crawford dream, though. . .
And you better not post the old blog again.
that is hillarious, but even if i was a werewolf i wouldnt cut. OMG that was funny.
um kat, the thingie is still up on the old blog. (gulp)
I have that old blop posting (the one Max keeps posting) saved onto my harddrive. It is in a special folder marked "Basement" that is invisible, unless you know exactly where to look. In that folder is a folder named "Disused Lavatory". In that folder is a folder named "BEWARE OF THE LEPOARD" In that folder is a folder named "Locked Filing Cabinet" in that folder is the file. I have a few other things in there too, but we won't discuss that.
In fairness to other readers, here is a reposting of the blog postings that were deleted in the process of cleaning up Max's escapade:
Gaa! D*** HTML.
Coming Soon.
You know the fun thing is, as a ghost, I can take over other people. In this instance I'm posting as kat, even though this is really the ghost host.
And in this instance I'm posting as liberalkid. And you can't stop me.
I love computers.
It's not fair, is it?
You need to die, Ben.
Actually, If I'm a ghost I'm already dead.
Specifics, specifics, specifics. Finicky finicky. Speaking of death. . .
Uh Oh.
Erika: . . .
Ely: *Claps hands and jumps up and down* YAY!
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