Thursday, April 07, 2005

Keeping Current With Kat

Merry meet, my friends! I just felt the need to inform me of obsessions that have grown and died, etc., etc., keeping current and updated with your phriendly neighborhood Phantom. Why? Because I am. . .bored. And this is my logic. I shall annoy you, because I am bored. I am bored, so I shall annoy you. Okay? Actually, I don't care. I'm just going to begin.

My Current Book: Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel. Read this book. Read this book. Read this book! It is a completely remarkable work. It's kind of like Tolkien, a lot like Jane Austen, a lot like Rowling, and in the style of maybe. . .Susan Cooper. This book is so brilliant. It's an alternative history of England, in which magicians figure prominently. The two most famous are Johnathan Strange, a dashing young fellow who battles Napoleon's army alongside the Duke of Wellington, and Mr Norrel, an eccentric, older man who keeps most magic for his own and stifles some of Strange's more innovative works. Combine this with the mysterious figure of John Uskglass, the Raven King, and Strange's obsession with him, and you have the makings of one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure to read. I know it is long, but as yet I have not been bored for one minute, and I'm four hundred fifty something pages in. It does not let go of you for a moment, partly due to Susanna Clarke (the author)'s witty narrative, which includes a great amount of Austen-esque social commentary. It also reminds me vaguely of Oscar Wilde at points.

But I can't just tell you about the book. I feel the need to do more. Read on:

Character Most Comparable to Erik: John Childermass, Mr. Norrel's Man of Business. A dark, dodgy fellow who is courteous, but always appears rather dangerous and wild. "Childermass knew the world. Childermass knew what games the children on street corners were playing - games that all other grown ups had long since forgotten. Childermass knew what old people by firesides are thinking of, though no one had asked him in years. Childermass knew what young men hear in the rattling of drums and the tooting of pipes that makes them leave their homes to be soldiers - and he knew of the half-eggcupful of glory and the barrelful of misery that awaited them. Childermass could look at a smart attorney in the street and tell you what he had in his coat-tail pockets. And all that Childermass knew made him smile, and some of what he knew made him laugh out loud, and none of what he knew wrung from him so much as a ha'pennyworth of pity." It rather reminds me of the way Erik spends a paragraph in Susan Kay talking about how in genius he is, then points out that no one will ever love him. Also, you know, dark smart people.

Kat's Muses: The ones most likely to appear in future stories? I'm pondering stories about, well, almost all of the guys from Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel, but top on my list would be a love story about Childermass. Perhaps an OC, or perhaps an existing character, or perhaps. . .oh no, I might write a slash story. Don't let me do it! I only write MercutioRomeo and BorachioConrade slash! (If you understood that, you are a Shakespeare geek, and a fiction writer.) Oh no, now I have an idea for a story. . .I have to shut up!

Status of My Stories: "The Night Club" is on Chapter Seven and going strong. We're presently celebrating Easter. Max is mad at me because I am serving martinis that are red, the color of the Republican party. Erik is mad at Ben because he is hiding Easter eggs in his organ pipes. We are all mad at Ely because she talked for two full Word pages without a paragraph break last chapter. Phillip Quast has gotten involved somehow, and who is coordinating the Easter egg hunt but Johnathan Strange and a certain totally random fairy with thistledown hair from the same book!
"Requiem" my tale about the aftermath of Erik's death and the tasks he sets for the others in his will is on it's fourth chapter, but I have writer's block. What task would Erik set for Raoul? Why would Raoul accept, anyway.
"Clouded Eyes" my story about Erik's meeting with Adrien, a bitter blind boy, is FINISHED! YEAH! *Confetti falls*
"Guardian" my story about Erik's protection of Raoul, is on it's second chapter and zipping right along. Wait, I'm not sure those who haven't read Leroux understand. See, Raoul is in the Navy in Leroux, and therefore is going on an expedition to the North Pole. No joke. Erik realizes Christine can't live without Raoul, and goes along to protect him.
"Hello Neighbor!" the tale of Max and Erik living near eachother refuses to get off the ground. Argh.
"This Next Encore" the story of Nadir, Erik, Ayesha, Raoul, and Christine's being reincarnated as junior high school kids is coming along well. Raoul has just appeared. To those who haven't read Kay, Ayesha is Erik's Siamese cat. But she was reincarnated as his cousin. Nadir is now a dog. Yeah, I know. . .quite odd, but actually serious, and going well.
"Cirque de Sancte" is on hiatus. I might restart it, though. A story about Erik's time at a traveling circus, post Christine.
"A World In Twilight" my what if story about Christine and Erik's family, I have writer's block on. Ay.

Current Web Residences: This blog, and Or, if the link doesn't work, search for SimplyElymas with Phantom of the Opera as a filter.

Favorite Quotes: "Can a man kill a man by magic?"
"I suppose a man might, but a gentleman never could."
-Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrel.
"I am adorably strange."
"For each and every thing in life, there is a matching font."

I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 7/4/05 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Max is mad at me because I am serving martinis that are red, the color of the Republican party."

Check Please!

Hmmm. Interesting as usual. Amazing how many of those phan *Cough* fan fictions aore PotO related. That last statement is probably akin to saying its amazing how Max doesn't like George Bush. But I digress. One of these days, I will have my own blog, (I hope), I certainly have plenty to say. Unfortunetly my Mom is currently capaining agaist this. Oh well.

At 7/4/05 10:23 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Well, then there's the fact that Erik's about to punjab you, but. . .as you'd say, I digress.

At 7/4/05 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that Max and I both have split personalitys? I am either Ben, or The Ghost host, and Max is either Max, or liberalkid. And you usuually call us by both in one blog posting. Probably very annoying to other readers.

Also, have you notcied how long these comments are getting? The last one is up to 14, and the one before that 18. Its turning into a message board!

At 7/4/05 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that capaigning, or campaigning?

At 7/4/05 11:25 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Well, those I'd classify more as interchangable identities. And I know about the comments! Heh, I think it's funny.

At 8/4/05 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

NEVER GET BORED AGAIN!!! and send me the damn nightclub story.

At 8/4/05 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

are the gop martinis good

At 9/4/05 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I go for the Apple Martinis. That is sctually the only alcoholic dink I've ever had any inclination to taste.

Oh by the way, I just got back from seeing Matthew Bourne's A Play Without Words". I'm writing a whole review.

At 9/4/05 4:23 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

I have no idea wether they're good - Carlotta, Ford and Zaphod are the only ones who'll drink them. Ask them. Ben, what was your overall opinion of the play?

At 10/4/05 12:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say it was good. I quite liked it... I'd certainly see it again. I have the soundtrack too.

Speaking of plays, Wicked is starting a national tour. They're coming to the Pantages too.

At 10/4/05 5:32 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

. . .You can get a soundtrack to a play without words?

At 11/4/05 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is an annoying post so here goes: the most "embarsing" (and most flattering) blog posting ever. Current Mood: Hee hee. . .MX. . .

I'm so stupid!! I wrote a note to MX asking him if he likes me and put it in his locker. . .I am so damn stupid! El stupido utterly! LA says he's evil and annoying but I like him and I might actually get somewhere with him. If he doesn't like me it won't be the end of the world, methinks. Right? WRONG! I'm running away to Siberia if he doesn't like me. If he likes me. . .I guess I won't run away to Siberia. . .or maybe Ireland instead. . .Ireland sounds nice. Very green, but there aren't any snakes. . .that would stink more then YF after a cross country meet.

Possible places to run away to if MX doesn't like me:

Siberia, obviously. Mrs SG says Siberia would be good to run away from something. Ireland, except I'd bring snakes with me. Saint Patty can go f-ck himself. HA! No offense y'all, I got carried away. I do so often these days.

Ok, hiding spot number 3 - Africa. Somewhere in Africa that's rather third world but happy. . .Yoruba? Don't know.

Poland. It's far away.

New York - not far enough, except they have Broadway. *Is torn*

London. Hmm. . .I could stay with SV 's family, and earn my keep in shows. Sounds appealing but probably wouldn't work.

Stay in LA, get homeschooled and become a hermit? Well, LA would say I was weird, but LA already says I'm weird so it could work. LA, in fact, will always say I'm weird. Now, before I get hopelessly off subject. . .

What if MX thinks I'm like a creepy stalker evil person thingy? He'll set the killer squirrels on me, I bet. But I command the squirrels! MX can never never command my precious squirrels. Not even if we get married, they are my squirrels. I own the squirrels. MINE! *Is submerged in heap of evil pink killer squirrel fur* Yesh, yesh, all mine. . .MWAHAHAHA! Now, where is that lint roller? Geez, I'm stuffed. . . It is at times like these that I wish I didn't eat so much. I eat too much.

*Glances upward* Whoa. . .I've really gone off on a tangent, no? Geez. I amaze myself. For example, in the letter to MX I was so tangenty. . .Oy gevault!

By the way, oy gevault is my new fave phrase.

Now NC (babysitter) is having a conniption screaming fit and shrieking and pulling out her hair and melting into a boneless heap on the carpeting, so I gotta go.

hen in reality he's ok, really. He laughs a lot and he's kind of cute. He is WAAAY smart, so I think they just feel threatened. They should - MX's intellect is formidable. He may laugh a lot, but underneath all that hilarity is an ability to debate that one should be wary of. I'm just glad he's on my side in most matters.

Max. Boyfriend,huge red sox fan, great guy *blush*

At 11/4/05 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is an annoying post so here goes: the most "embarsing" (and most flattering) blog posting ever. Current Mood: Hee hee. . .MX. . .

I'm so stupid!! I wrote a note to MX asking him if he likes me and put it in his locker. . .I am so damn stupid! El stupido utterly! LA says he's evil and annoying but I like him and I might actually get somewhere with him. If he doesn't like me it won't be the end of the world, methinks. Right? WRONG! I'm running away to Siberia if he doesn't like me. If he likes me. . .I guess I won't run away to Siberia. . .or maybe Ireland instead. . .Ireland sounds nice. Very green, but there aren't any snakes. . .that would stink more then YF after a cross country meet.

Possible places to run away to if MX doesn't like me:

Siberia, obviously. Mrs SG says Siberia would be good to run away from something. Ireland, except I'd bring snakes with me. Saint Patty can go f-ck himself. HA! No offense y'all, I got carried away. I do so often these days.

Ok, hiding spot number 3 - Africa. Somewhere in Africa that's rather third world but happy. . .Yoruba? Don't know.

Poland. It's far away.

New York - not far enough, except they have Broadway. *Is torn*

London. Hmm. . .I could stay with SV 's family, and earn my keep in shows. Sounds appealing but probably wouldn't work.

Stay in LA, get homeschooled and become a hermit? Well, LA would say I was weird, but LA already says I'm weird so it could work. LA, in fact, will always say I'm weird. Now, before I get hopelessly off subject. . .

What if MX thinks I'm like a creepy stalker evil person thingy? He'll set the killer squirrels on me, I bet. But I command the squirrels! MX can never never command my precious squirrels. Not even if we get married, they are my squirrels. I own the squirrels. MINE! *Is submerged in heap of evil pink killer squirrel fur* Yesh, yesh, all mine. . .MWAHAHAHA! Now, where is that lint roller? Geez, I'm stuffed. . . It is at times like these that I wish I didn't eat so much. I eat too much.

*Glances upward* Whoa. . .I've really gone off on a tangent, no? Geez. I amaze myself. For example, in the letter to MX I was so tangenty. . .Oy gevault!

By the way, oy gevault is my new fave phrase.

Now NC (babysitter) is having a conniption screaming fit and shrieking and pulling out her hair and melting into a boneless heap on the carpeting, so I gotta go.

hen in reality he's ok, really. He laughs a lot and he's kind of cute. He is WAAAY smart, so I think they just feel threatened. They should - MX's intellect is formidable. He may laugh a lot, but underneath all that hilarity is an ability to debate that one should be wary of. I'm just glad he's on my side in most matters.

Max. Boyfriend,huge red sox fan, great guy *blush*

At 11/4/05 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Max, you are so not ending this school year alive.

At 12/4/05 8:33 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

In fact, I'm at school right now posting from just before Latin, and you may not even make it to the end of derivatives lab alive, Max. Trust me, if I could wave a wand and magically like you I absolutely would, but I can't.


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