Friday, December 08, 2006

Hello, Can You Hear Me Now?

Has the blog decided to work?


At 9/12/06 1:01 AM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

And then God said, "LET THERE BE BLOG!"

At 9/12/06 1:08 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

and there was blog, and god saw that it was good, and then god sobered up.

(joking, i like blogging)

At 9/12/06 10:00 PM, Blogger Wzzy said...

::::glad that the blog's "White Phase" is now over::::


At 10/12/06 8:38 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

I just thought about it, and i think we should find a middle ground, antrhopomorphized java should be 5'5"

by the way, I have a new idea, whenever im furious at someone, ill run a program that prints the words "I hate you" over and over again and look at it for a bit, it really helps, its like a nerdy punching bag

At 11/12/06 10:06 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...



For Sex/Acts.

Mark Foley, is that you?

I'm actually very proud of this. *pops champagne*

At 11/12/06 10:32 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...


Now let's bitch about censorship!

At 12/12/06 5:29 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 12/12/06 5:30 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

I have an avatar, tell me how you like it!

i don't remember where i got the snowflake picture

At 12/12/06 9:08 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

It's purty...

At 12/12/06 10:19 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 12/12/06 10:22 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

Although I am not the creator or owner/webmaster of this blog, I would be delighted to be the first of many people that will scratch their heads over this very question, give seemingly unnecessary cryptic answers, and retire to the studies they wish they had in order to ponder this very question:

In thinking about this I have decided to give the simplest and most straightforward answers I can, however, since that would not be in the spirit of the blog, I must balance a simple straightforward answer with a cryptic nonsensical one, thus my answers will start simple, and go on to include nonsense and odd, somewhat nerdy references:

1. The posts are about whatever Kat's latest obsession is

2. The comments are a lot of nonsensical rambling that is someway interconnected to our weird thought patterns, every day life, or just plain gibberish/venting of equally hard to understand rage

3. Knowing the true answer to your question would like be knowing the Ultimate Question to the Ultimate Answer, the universe would be canceled out and cease to exist.

4. This has already happened and the screwed up Universe is manifesting itself in the form of this blog.

5. The blog is the product of people that have an Id the size of a basketball court and a Superego the size of a fly.

6. The blog is a product of people that have a Superego the size of a basketball court and an Id the size of a fy.

7. The blog is a product of people with perfectly balanced Ego's but who want to join the fun

8. The blog is a product of people who escaped from the mental facility and are coming up with a new set of instructions to put on toothpicks

9. The blog is.

10. I blog, you blog, he/she/it blogs

11. Sic Semper Tyrannis

12. I have way too much free time on my hands

13. The blog is a combination of people who are very good writers, and people who are very bad writers, but who excel at writing irrationaly.

14. The blog should be

15. The blog is a combination of people who have too much free time on their hands and find it a good stress reliever to write nonsensical answers to rational or nonexistent questions.

irrationally yours,


if anyone would like to comment about my description of the blog, feel free to do so, and feel welcome to post your own comments.

I apologize if I completely misused the concept of the Id, the Ego, and the Superego

The above are the sole opinions of arcticfreeze, arcticfreeze, however, does not know exactly what he is doing when he writes things, any offenses made were not deliberate and he is sorry in advance for the numerous errors you will undoubtedly find

At 12/12/06 10:25 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

I forgot one:

16. The contents of this blog are to be found in a meat pie of questionable origin

At 14/12/06 10:03 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...


At 14/12/06 10:19 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...


At 16/12/06 10:07 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

At 16/12/06 10:16 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

That is such a Spencer website.

At 17/12/06 11:24 AM, Blogger WHTVVR said...


At 17/12/06 1:11 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 17/12/06 1:12 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...


if you too want to be a nerd and make this, go into microsoft word and do the following:

step 1: press alt, and, while holding out punch in the number 1, then release alt

step 2: repeat step 1 up to and inculding the number 100

warning: this will bring you forward into nerdism as defined by me, i know we all have different definitions of nerd.

At 18/12/06 12:45 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

I hate having to do that for Spanish, 'cause you can never remember which key sequence goes with which stuff, so you end up with weird stuff, like...

tê estüs jugñron? Nõ mê güs†â...

At 18/12/06 3:47 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Hey, can someone please prove these people wrong? But don't mention my name, I kind of pissed them off enough already.

At 18/12/06 6:41 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

whoever made that website has way too much time on their hands, and not in a good way. They need to seriously consider some therapy, as long as they don't find "flying dragonships" in the inkblot tests

At 18/12/06 9:01 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

That's what I recommended, but I got attacked for not having a degree in psychology.

At 18/12/06 9:19 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

remind them that you have a degree in common sense

first 4 letters of my word verifications spells real

coincidence: hell yah

At 18/12/06 9:40 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

I love science fiction, and have very strong opinions as to what is good science fiction, and it looks like writers agree with me

the following is a quote from
HowstuffWorks: How Sci-fi Doesn't Work

In their book "Space Travel," sci-fi author Ben Bova and Anthony R. Lewis state two laws of science fiction:

"1. Science fiction stories are those in which some aspect of future science or technology is so integral to the story that, if you take away the science or technology, the story collapses.
Book cover for Space Travel
Image courtesy Amazon
2. Science fiction writers are free to extrapolate from today's knowledge or to invent anything they can imagine –so long as no one can prove that what they have "imagined" is wrong"'

(this is me again): very good article, you should definitely read it.

At 21/12/06 3:10 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

I'll be skiing in Switzerland. Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!

At 21/12/06 4:09 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Oh, I feel so much better about my bleak life now.

At 21/12/06 7:55 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Hooray for bleak Swiss ski life!

At 21/12/06 9:07 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...




At 22/12/06 10:18 AM, Blogger WHTVVR said...


At 22/12/06 4:50 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...




At 22/12/06 10:16 PM, Blogger arcticfreeze said...

my favorite number is 4, always has been

At 22/12/06 11:38 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...


At 23/12/06 7:55 AM, Blogger Wzzy said...

You're right. That's just weird.

At 23/12/06 12:41 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...


Mine has always been 42. (Yes, even before H2G2. Don't mock me.)

The only explanation is that the evil alien lizards from outer space are controlling our favorite numbers.

At 23/12/06 1:25 PM, Blogger Wzzy said...

Veddy interesting. So why did you ask in the first place? Just curious.

At 23/12/06 3:09 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

About the evil alien monster theory: I must once again bring up this website.

And where did the first 2 come from in H2G2?

At 23/12/06 3:10 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Wait, I mean lizard, not monster, oops.

At 23/12/06 3:11 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Oh, and I have a new favorite number which might parallel 45. I like 6, and all its multiples.

At 23/12/06 4:44 PM, Blogger Wzzy said...

And the threads converge:

Alien Rock

At 23/12/06 5:08 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Speaking of 4s, you just made the 42nd comment!

At 23/12/06 5:52 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

I was asking because of this LJ comm. The idea is to pick a character or a romantic pairing and then write 100 stories of 100 words each about them. There are prompts for numbers 1-100, and I was looking for which prompt to do next.

At 23/12/06 7:42 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Because I am incurably generous with my Broadway music.

At 23/12/06 10:33 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Speaking of broadway, I really have to recount the following story:

I was at a Bar Mitzvah today, and there was this woman sitting at the same table as us, talking to another guy about some program she's doing that gives money to preformers or something, and my mom eavsdropped and asked "Are you a singer?"

She said, "No, my brother wrote a play, and now I'm stuck with the burdon of it."

"Oh. What play?"



At 24/12/06 2:31 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...


You totally just met Jonathan Larson's sister.

She's one of the most AWESOME people on the planet earth.

At 24/12/06 3:43 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

In other news, Lou Reed makes me happy. And the colored girls sing doo doo doo doo dooo dooo doo. . .

Mother: Kat, can you put on some Christmas music?

Kat: This is Christmas music.

At 24/12/06 4:56 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Лоок ат ме! И цан тыпе ин Руссиан! Мосцош, Ленинград, Сталинград, Ст. Петерсбург, Украине, Цчернобыл, Одесса, Георга...

ثهش لههك ات مع! ى صان تطةع ين آرابيص! ےحح...ارابيص صيتط!

At 24/12/06 4:59 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

Оч, И спеллед "Герогиа" шронг.

At 24/12/06 5:09 PM, Blogger WHTVVR said...

"The Events Leading Up To The Collapse Of Detective Dulllight" is by far the best song/narrative ever, ever:

There was jello in the fingerprints Detective Dulllight discovered. It proved to be the most important finding in the case, and where as Detectives Slocks and Slovits slobbered over smutty photographs, Dulllight had a better lead to follow. He followed the ringing to the telephone where a voice asked "Excuse me aren't you so and so?" "Oh so and so since you left I have been eating only sweets cause they remind me of you." He felt this surely was a clue. So he climbed into the tub wearing his underwear and overcoat, jumped aboard the model boat and followed the water down the drain. In his brain there are file cabinets and secretaries filing their nails downstairs (But I don't want to talk about that room downstairs). At this moment Detective Slocks and Slovets realize that since they had reported on the crime scene this morning each of them has aged over fifty years. Two butterflies land on their shoulders and harmonize softly in their ears "Where did all the time go?" "Did you think that you'd stay young forever?" "But at least you're still together..." The two detectives held hands in the moonlight. The butterflies flew away which prompted Slovit's to say,"l miss them already". Slocks removed a fountain pen from his breast pocket, drove it deep into Slovit's throat and began screeching "DEATH TO THE PARCHMENT WHALE, THE ROBOT IAM LASAILE". While in prison, Slocks wrote one of the most revered exercises in free verse titled "The Cause of Gauze". "Oh the cause of gauze, The Manuels have fondled many memories from my lap though each memory has its own lap and swimmers swim laps. Even swimmers have laps however and while in that condition many require a delicate gauze. I desire only this in my decrepitude, that I will have one more opportunity to serve as a gauze to my fellow man and that in that state of gauze can somehow disturb the world less often with my prickly fingers." When Detective Dulllight returning from the catacombs first heard the news of the Slocks and Slovets stabbing and subsequent poetry enterprise he immediately fell to the floor and began plucking peaches from his cheeks. This eventually became a tiresome activity so he evaporated into the cream a float a child's bedtime cocoa.


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