Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Disadvantages of Being a Girl and Having Mostly Male Friends

Don't get me wrong here. The guys I hang out with are wonderful, but really. Most girls my age are idiotic flittery fluttery stick thin shallow fools, but really. A person has to have people of their own gender around. Other than Ely and Erika, I have practically no girl friends, unless, of course, you count Jazz, who is terminally girly, but who I don't have the chance to see too much. Basically, every person I hang around with on a daily basis is a guy. Even my imaginary friends are guys! I mean, Nadir, Erik, and so on. This is obviously indicative of some serious dislike for the female mentality. Which is also odd, because I am an example of the female mentality. Sort of. Ok, so not really. What exactly I am an example of the mentality of has yet to be established. Not quite phangirl, as I am beginning to like Raoul. Not quite Raoul admirer, because I believe him to be a fop. But enough about that.

Here's why it's troublesome to have mostly male friends, be they imaginary or otherwise.

Every so often every female on this earth feels the need to utter the phrase, "I haaate boys!" Please note the number of As. Now, this does not mean we hate boys. It actually means we like boys, but are frustrated by them. So as opposed to hatred, it's haaatred.

Haaatred: When a girl likes a boy but can't get up the nerve to make a move on them, haaatred is what they tend to feel. It has nothing to do with actual hatred. It's actually a compliment. Confused? So are we.

The problem with having male friends is that you have to say, "I haaate boys with certain reasonable exceptions!" Because they tend to not understand that haaatred and hatred are two different things. This is an example of the male mentality.

Another problem is that awkward moment when you're walking to PE and you have to go into your respective locker room. Painful, especially if someone makes a snide remark.

Erik: When have I ever made a snide remark? Who, me?

Kat: NOT NOW! I can't have our random conversations cluttering up the blog, I've only got a minute more to write it!

Ben: May I point out that -

Max: (Still being in character) EricEricEricEric -

Kat: No, Ben, you may not! Max, it's with a K!

(Chaos ensues)

(Chaos continues to ensue)

I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 19/4/05 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually understood that. It's kind of the same way with guys only different. Yeah...a...right.

Kat: Why can't you ever finish a comment with out some sort of
"yeah..." or "uh..." or "a..."?

Ben: Well I'm terrible at endings. and why are you in my comments?

Kat: Same reason I was yesterday.

Ben: But.... Where is Max?

Kat: He ran off with Erika.

Ben: What? But he hates Erika!

Kat: Well she haaates him.

Ben: Well, yeah, but, uh, and, um, right...

In all likelyhood will be continued at some other date in the future...

At 19/4/05 5:21 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Kat, Erika, and Ely: (Are reading this, all stare at each other) What?!?!?

Erika: This is just ridiculous! Ely's the one who likes Max!

Erik: (Popping out from mirror) What in the name of God is going on? Let me get some peace to work on Don Juan Triumphant, if you please!

Ely: More creepy organ music?

Erika: I like it.

Kat: Oy.

At 19/4/05 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(maniacal laughter)

At 19/4/05 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(regular laughter)

At 19/4/05 5:42 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

We now have an Erika who haaates Max, so there are now. . .four Kats. Wow.

At 19/4/05 5:42 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Wasn't one enough?

At 22/4/05 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soooo funny! I know what you mean! :)

At 25/4/05 12:21 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

You. . .you do? If you understand my stuff, it's a sure sign that you're unwell in the head. Or you might just be human. Same thing.


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