Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The World's Absolute Strangest Friendship

Why in the name of God are we all friends with each other? This is a question I’ve had to ask myself countless times in regard to myself, Max, and Ben. Why are we friends? Well, we could write it off to the fact that we’re all in our school’s debate club. You might say that it’s because of certain. . .previous relations between myself and Max. With a stretch, you might even say that it’s because Ben designed a – surprise - logo for a play I was in last year. (Midsummer Night’s Dream. I was Puck. The show was brilliant.) But previous relations of the sort Max and I had rarely spawn friendships, and actors hardly strike up friendships with those who design logos for their performances. So the only explanation is Debate Club. Debate Club, ah, Debate Club. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day – sorry, Shakespearean sonnet tangent there. My sincerest Phantomy apologies. Right.

Moving on. More about DC later. DC – wow…DC needs a new name. From this point on it shall be called. Um. The Point of No Return. Because once you start going, there’s no going back. The madness pulls you in. So more about the Point of No Return later. For now, let’s decide why I’m friends with you people.

Also, I’ve noticed some weird things about all my friends. Other than their just general…weirdness. They all remind me of Nadir in some way shape or form. Why? Because all of a Phantom’s friends must be like Nadir.

Ben: Also from the PotO rulebook, which you haven’t written yet.

Kat: (Glare) When did you become my conscience?

Max: As Nadir is to Erik, Max and Ben are to Kat.

Kat: I have TWO Nadirs? Does this mean you’ll start following me around with a black notebook and taking notes on my movements?

Max: Er. . .not that I haven’t already. . .

Ben: (Extremely uncharacteristicly whistles)

Kat: So that’s how you found the blog!

Anyway. Back to the point.

Reasons I’m Friends With Max

This guy is a good guy. This is an unavoidable fact. Max is a great guy and he’s quite nice to have around. He’s sweet and he’s just good. I’m his friend because he’s liberal. Because he’s crazy. Because he has no common sense and I’ve no idea what he’d do without me. Because he’s funny. Because he’s fun. Because he agreed to read Susan Kay’s “Phantom” if I would read Timothy Somebody-or-other’s Star Wars novels. Because he’s brining a lightsaber to the Star Wars movie. He tolerates the PotO obsession and reminds me of Nadir for no discernible reason whatsoever. And he read the Gaston Leroux PotO novel!! Even if he likes Raoul, this is forgivable so long as he read the darn thing.

Reasons I’m Friends With Ben

He can recognize Rhapsody in Blue played on an accordion. Don’t ask me why this is a qualification for a friend. It just is. He is as mad as I am. He tolerates the PotO obsession and reminds me of Nadir for no discernible reason whatsoever. He at least plans to read the PotO novel. He has the uncanny ability to comment on a blog within two minutes of the posting, and wrote random dialogues in the blog comments. He will jump at me from behind a bus, scare me half to death, and then run away laughing maniacally. During a conversation, he will do something totally unexpected, like stand up and bounce on his backpack. And of course, he’s always in context.

This hopefully didn’t make too much sense to you.

If it did, I’m losing my touch.

I remain, gentlemen, your faithful and obedient servant,



At 19/4/05 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Why is it that all of those things have happened in the last 5 days?

And furthermore, why is it that you know The Point of No Return isn't the reson we're friends? It simply couodn't be. Actually, I know Max because of Seigel's Games Activity Period, and I know you because I know Max.

And I WILL read PotC one of these days. I swear I will. Perhaps.

At 19/4/05 6:14 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

All these things happened in the past five days because my memory extends about that far. I have the world's worst memory.

And you mixed up PotO with PotC. PotC means PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN, NOT PHANTOM OF THE OPERA! Granted, they both have attractive men and women and are favorites of mine, though PotC is a guilty pleasure, these two stories could not bet more different.

There must be a law against mixing up PotO and PotC. There MUST!

Phantom of the Carribean. . .(ponders)

At 19/4/05 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps if you had written that rulebook...

But really, i actually get those two abbreviations confused all of the time. I usually catch them however.

I will read PotO one of these days. I swear I will. Perhaps.

At 19/4/05 6:51 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Now I need to write a blog on Phantom of the Carribean. That could be fun. If I post it today I'll have a record of three postings in a day. . .

At 19/4/05 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness. Another blog. Just imagine all of the commenting I'd need to do...

I've made some PotJH wallpaper. I might just share it with you all in the next few days...


(maniacal laughter)

At 19/4/05 7:58 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

PotJH wallpaper? Exceedingly cool. My current wallpaper is a random anime version of Erik. This has my brother complaining because we share a computer. Luke wants Lindsay Lohan wallpaper.

At 19/4/05 8:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luke wants Lindsay Lohan wallpaper?

Punjab him.

PotJH wallpaper, coming tomorrow.

At 20/4/05 8:37 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

And Max, Kat and Ben Sitcom, also coming tomorrow. Which is now today. Er, whatever.

And you used Punjab! It is a word! But do you know how hard it is to Punjab screeching nine year olds?

At 20/4/05 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timothy ZAHN

At 20/4/05 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timothy ZAHN

At 20/4/05 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timothy ZAHN

At 20/4/05 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Timothy ZAHN

At 20/4/05 3:29 PM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Maaax. . .

At 22/4/05 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hehehehehe! I hope I'm not getting annoying, writing so much.... this is just awesome. :-D

At 25/4/05 12:20 AM, Blogger Sigerson said...

Wow, you're here too? Hey, I don't mind, how could I dislike someone who reviews my fan fiction? Not to mention the fact that you've actually commented on the blog and you aren't Max or Ben. Wow, hell is freezing over as we speak. Or, rather, type.


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